xvii. gift of love

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"Finan." Uhtred says as he walks up to his friend, he looks at Rúna in confusion seeing as she isn't attached to Sihtric's side. She gave him a dirty look daring her brother to say anything.

Sihtric had asked her to bond with his friends, she would rather be isolated than listen to another one of Finan's stories about the women he's humped, and Osferth is so shy that he barely speaks a word to her.

It was getting annoying, she didn't see why she had to make this big friendship pact with the two men if her goal is to ride Sihtric's cock any chance she could.


"Have the priests unload half of what they've taken. Send them back to Alfred. You will ride with them." Uhtred demanded and Finan sighed, Rúna hesitantly reached out and patted his back. That's what normal people would do, right? Uhtred gave her another funny look and she huffed.

"All the way to Winchester?"

"I will follow and find you." Uhtred promised.

"And what of Skade?"

"She stays with me. I will find you in Winchester. I must be there. Unseen." Uhtred said and she hoped that he would kill the seer.

"And if Alfred decides to take me hostage?"

"He will have you watched, nothing more. You need only drink ale and find a woman." Uhtred tells him with a smile.

Gods, she hoped this wouldn't spur Finan into another rant about whores.

"I can do that. We all need a good woman!" Finan shouted when Uhtred walked away. Finan looked at her with suspicion when she smiled awkwardly at him.

"Don't you have a cock to suck?" He asked her and she sulked.

"He will not let me. He says I should bond with you and Osferth." She grumbled and Finan cackled.

"My men are free men still. They'll travel with you to Winchester, ensure your safe return." Uhtred tells the Bishop as he walks to his horse. Rúna knocked her knee against Sihtric's as they sat on their horses, her Dane smiled softly at her.

"I have a guard. And Wessex is not a land of banditry." The Bishop claimed.

"Priests and Ealdorman aside, you should never refuse the offer of a sword, Bishop Erkenwald." Finan tells the holy man.

"Is it your intention to remain at Coccham?"

"It is not. My lord's intention is to rule at Winchester." Skade adds as she stands next to Uhtred and the Dane-slayer sends her a dirty look.

"Is that right, lord?" Finan asked sardonically.

"That heinous cunt, I will kill her myself." She snapped and went to dismount her horse when Sihtric quickly grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back on the saddle.

Gods, she wished he would manhandle her in other situations.

"My business is my own." Uhtred claims.

"And your children?"

"Are Christian now." Uhtred said through gritted teeth, she glared at the Bishop.

"I will ensure they are cared for." Hild tells them reassuringly.

"If it pleases you."

"I will bring Rúna to Mercia, lord. Meet you there." Sihtric says with a grin from where he is perched on his horse, Uhtred shoots him a warning look. In Winchester, the Bishop stands in front of the yelling and shouting for Steapa.

"Steapa! Steapa!" The guard appears looking down at them.

"Ah! Do you not recognize me, Steapa? Why have the gates not opened?" The Bishop asked.

"Bishop Erkenwald, you have guests."

"They did ride with us from Coccham." Erkenwald spoke.

"Where Uhtred remains. He'll be going directly to Mercia." Finan shouts to the guard.

"Steapa, he had hoped to visit his children there." Hild added.

"This is true, lord?" Steapa asked.

"You do not believe me?" Hild asked in disbelief but she was ignored.

"It is true that Uhtred Ragnarsson remains at Coccham. That is all I know to be true." The Bishop answered.

"It is Uhtred's intention to return to Mercia. He asked me to petition to the king to have his children follow. Now, open the gates, and let us rest." Hild claimed.

"Hey, big man. We are guilty of being hungry and tired, my friend. That is all." Steapa watched them with suspicion as he ate his apple. Soon after, the gates open, and Finan and Sihtric smile. Sihtric and Finan stand in the stables with ale, Rúna joins them soon after and hugs her lover, when Finan gets Sihtric's attention. She glared at the Irishman when Sihtric glanced at him, the man stroked her hair to calm her.

"Is that Aethelwold? The sword-Dane I see? Looks like you've mislaid your eye." Finan mocked with a grin.

"I see you perfectly, Finan. Though I do not see your master. Uhtred, where is he?" Aethelwold asked with annoyance.

"Standing at your blind side, perhaps?" Sihtric smiles at his joke, Rúna shakes her head to hide her smile. Finan and the couple walk away making Aethelwold angry.

"Your men have been telling me there's to be a wedding, lord." Finan asked the Bishop when he separated from Sihtric, she wanted to join him but he claimed to have a surprise for her.

"Edward, is to marry, yes. A sweet girl." Erkenwald confirmed.

"I, uh...I do enjoy a wedding. Ale flows and kisses are a little easier to come by. I might stay a short while." Finan said with a sly smile and the Bishop did not like the comment.

"He is not wrong, Bishop." Rúna spoke with a smirk.

"You are welcome, Finan. I am sure, as are your people." The Bishop walks away as Finan grins and Sihtric appears with a wrapped gift and a shy smile. Finan walked away from them as she watched Sihtric softly.

"Rúna, these are for you." Sihtric said quietly and she pulled him down for a kiss, she knew she would love it regardless. She opened the fabric up and gasped at the sight, they were carved charms that men would make for their women to use as hair beads. She glanced up at him with warmth and dare she say, love.

"Sihtric, thank you. I love them." She whispered as she held back her tears of happiness, Sihtric cradled her face gently as she leaned into him.

"I am dedicated to you, Rúna. And I know in my heart we are fated to be together." She smiled at him and pulled him into an embrace.

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