#9 - Wrapped In A Towel (+ Author's Note)

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A/N :
Hey y'all! Cheers if you're still around, it's been a while since I last updated. 
So, I wanted your opinion. And this is the 18+ territory, keep in mind. Are you okay with smut? Do you want it to be included in this novel? (Though it would never be the central theme) Or would you rather not?
Please let me know.
See ya <3

* * * * *

That anonymous nutjob must have definitely Photoshopped those pictures. There was no way Arin was being unfaithful to her. Sure, he was a bit of an asshole sometimes. He was not as loving as she'd prefer, but Jiya had learnt to live with lowered expectations. It was alright. But she wasn't in the wrong to expect loyalty, right?

As ice-cold water poured down Jiya's bare shoulders, she flinched. A cold shower was therapeutic. Tears gushed down her face and she felt an intense pain in her chest. It was hurting. Jiya was hurting.

The doorbell's echo was faint. There was someone at the door. It was probably a courier delivery.

Jiya reached for the knob and turned it off. She hurriedly wrapped a towel around her naked body and waddled out of the shower.

The doorbell rang again.

"Wait a minute!" She yelled.

There was no time to put on clothes. She scurried to the main door and hid on its hindside. Then, Jiya carefully opened the door, stretching an arm out to collect her parcel without letting the visitor see her semi-naked state. She waited, but there was no parcel handed out.

"Jiya?" A familiar husky voice called her name. 

What. The. Hell?! Meher was here. Why was she HERE?!

In a wave of panic, Jiya moved closer to the door's view. 

Jiya was now face-to-face with Meher. Half-naked, just a towel guarding her from being displayed in full glory. Droplets of cold water running down her skin. This was really happening. And there was no going back.

Meher's deep green eyes widened and locked on Jiya. They slowly trailed slightly downwards. Snapping back to her senses, she averted her gaze, her cheeks flushing red. She awkwardly dipped her hands in the pockets of her jeans and looked away, "Uhm-"

"Uh, sorry--" Jiya stuttered.

Jiya's face had turned as red as it possibly could. Her heart wanted to leap out of her chest. She was frozen on her spot. She couldn't move, for dear life.

This was a nightmare. This was so inappropriate. Why couldn't Jiya move? What was happening?!

Jiya's hand slammed the door shut on Meher's face. It was totally a reflex, because Jiya had gone totally blank at that point. 

"I'm so sorry Meher, give me a moment!" Jiya squeaked, her voice sounding three pitches too high. She quickly put on her pajamas and a tee, scrambling back to the door and slowly opening it.

"What are you doing here?" Jiya asked, still very embarrassed from everything that had transpired.

Meher raised an eyebrow, her arms crossing over her chest, "Huh?"

"I'm sorry, that was rude. I meant..." Jiya said sheepishly.

Meher grinned, "It's alright. I should have informed before visiting." Her face now grew more solemn, "It's just that...you didn't visit today and didn't reply to my last text. I was worried, I guess. Wanted to make sure you're okay,"


"That's so nice of you, Meher." Jiya blushed. "Please come in."

* * * * *

"I'm full," Meher rested her empty cup of tea on the coaster. Jiya intently waited for her to finish all the snacks that she had brought for her.

"Do you want more chai?"

"Oh, nope. Nope. I'm done."

"Just half a cup?"

"Thank you Jiya, but no. And now, please stop dodging my question. You're not alright. I know you're not. What's up?"

Jiya lowered her gaze, biting her lip hesitantly. 

"It's nothing...."

"Cut the crap, Jiya. Tell me. I need to know. Something is clearly bothering you, isn't it?"

"Well...I..I think someone is troubling me. This anonymous person, they have been sending me these texts and--"

"Texts? What kind?" 


"Tell me, Jiya," Meher's expression softened.

Jiya finally opened her phone and scrolled to the anonymous texts. Her shaky hand passed it to Meher.

"This person claims that Arin has been having an affair with Kanak behind my back. There...There are pictures. Really lewd. I don't even know who this person is but...it has been affecting me a lot."

Meher took her time going through the texts, her facial expression seeming more bitter with every text. She then started typing into her own phone, before returning Jiya's phone back to her.

"This person is harassing you. Don't reply to them anymore. I have taken down the number and we'll trace it. Stay safe." Meher instructed. 

"But what if it's true? What if Arin is really cheating?" Jiya muttered softly, tears filling her eyes.

"Hey," Meher reached out for Jiya's hand and squeezed it lightly, "We'll look into it. If it really is the case, I'm going to fire them both immediately. It's against company rules to be romantically involved with a colleague. Also, he has to be the biggest scumbag to be unfaithful to someone as...uh, precious as you."

Meher's gaze lingered on Jiya. Her eyes emitted genuine concern, and a vow to protect. In the moment that Meher had held Jiya's hand, it felt magical. Jiya felt the most weird, indescribable sensation. She didn't know what it was, but she wanted it to stay.

Meher let go of Jiya's hand and cleared her throat, "Uhm, I should get going. I'm going to track down this loser, don't you worry."

"Thank you, Meher. This means a lot. Especially when you don't owe me any of it."

Meher rolled her eyes, "Stop being ridiculous."

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