#7 - Conversations

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"Are you sure?" There was a subtle undertone of teasing in Meher's voice as she raised an eyebrow at Jiya. Her mouth almost curled in a smirk. Well, it was an almost-smirk.

"Of course!"

And then a slightly uncomfortable pause ensued, "Actually..." Jiya trailed off. "I don't know. I haven't really been in love with a person before I got married to Arin."

Jiya had never contemplated over this before. And now, she gave it a thought. She was really thinking.

"Like we see in Bollywood movies, this ultra-romantic story with sparks flying and butterflies fluttering in the main character's tummy. I have never experienced that. I have never even dated a man prior to getting married. And of course, I married Arin through an arranged marriage because it was obviously the right thing to do."

Meher wiped her mouth with a napkin, her eyes trained on the woman sitting in front of her, "Interesting," She whispered.

"I can't fathom having an arranged marriage," Meher leaned forward, resting her chin in her palm, "You know? These norms you heterosexual people have confuse me quite a bit.

"Like-" Meher continued, "I've always been attracted to women and when I figured out that girls are supposed to like boys, marry them and have a family with them, it was so weird for me. When all the girls around me at school had crushes on and dated boys, and they would ask me who I liked, I could never even express it. Even as a kid I knew that I was supposed to keep it an absolute secret."

Jiya was nodding away. Jiya could empathise for almost everyone and right now she felt sorry for her husband's boss.

"But there was this one person. I could trust her with all of my secrets. I knew she'd never judge,"


"Payal," Meher reminisced. "She has been my best friend since childhood. She understood me and accepted me like no one else could. She loved me. She loves me. And she told me that she was in love with me. I wasn't expecting that. At all." Jiya grinned, remembering all those memories that she cherished. 


And just like that, neither Jiya nor Meher realised the passage of time as they wove their conversations around anything and everything. It flowed so effortlessly-it was engaging and fulfilling. Jiya found herself laughing heartily as Meher narrated the embarrassing tale of her and Payal's first date gone wrong and feeling rage in every vein as she heard the description of how her father almost kicked her out and disowned her when she came out to him. And then she felt her eyes well up with tears as she heard about her counterpart's broken family and divorced parents.

They would have talked for the entire evening had they not heard the knock at the door.

"Come in,"

It was the assistant she had seen a day earlier. The person who had told Jiya to stay outside.

"Madam, the meeting will begin in 15 mins. We're ready."

Meher slightly widened her eyes, as if she had abruptly snapped back to reality, "Oh, yes. I'll be there."

"Okay madam." The assistant left as quickly as he had arrived.

Meher gazed at Jiya, her greenish eyes locking with Jiya's own dark ones, "Jiya. Thank you for the company. I enjoyed spending time with you."

Meher flashed her signature smirk at her and then the smirk relaxed a bit more. The smile was genuine and Jiya could clearly make out the dimples.

Those dimples could make Jiya swoon. She smiled back, feeling her face redden and  a ticklish warmth in her abdomen. She could feel her heart thump loudly as she rose up and waved her a goodbye.

Jiya wasn't consciously aware that she hadn't stopped smiling until she reached back home and her face started to hurt. And then the smile vanished when she saw her husband in the doorway.

"What took you so long?"

"I was with your--"

"Goddamn it, Jiya! I have to leave for the trip tonight. You were supposed to pack all the things and stay prepared. Now I'm going to miss my flight because of YOU!"

"I'm so sorry I--"

"Shut up, BITCH! And pack my stuff. Right NOW!"

"I've al-already packed everything in the m-morning." Jiya wanted to cry. She stared at the floor beneath her as she tried to maintain her composure. 


* * * * *

Arin and his colleagues had taken the flight past midnight. Now she was the only resident of their house. 

The next morning she had received the message that they had reached.

A little past noon, right before Jiya left for the office with the prepared lunch, she received another text.

This one was not from her husband. But the content of the message shook her to her core and brought her world crashing down.

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My Cheating Husband's Boss (girl x girl | desi | 16+)Where stories live. Discover now