#10 - Wandering Mind

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"Where were you, baby?" Payal was seated in Meher's cabin, on the chair behind her desk. Her faux-blond hair were up in a slick ponytail. Her lips looked thicker than usual, probably because of fillers. She wore a blue balloon top and a skirt.

"I was outside." Meher answered.


"Had to visit someone."

And the cabin fell silent. The air felt heavy. Payal uncrossed her legs and narrowed her eyes at Meher, "You'd gone to meet Jiya, isn't it?"

Meher looked at the floor. Payal knew Jiya?


Payal narrowed her eyes further at her girlfriend. Then, she sighed.

"I want to be honest about something. I...don't feel good about this. You've been spending way too much time with this woman."

"Payal, I was trying to help her, babe. She is being blackmailed by someone and it's about Arin. It's my duty to help her out."

"I feel like you're getting entangled in something here, baby. I don't want to sound like the toxic, jealous girlfriend, but this just ... doesn't sit right with me." Payal walked towards Meher.

"I don't give a shit about Jiya, Payal, you're misunderstanding--" Meher threw her hands in the air defensively.

"We both know that's a lie," Payal said calmly.

"No ..." Meher began. But she stopped. Was Payal right? Was she getting too involved? Earlier, the state she had seen Jiya in definitely stirred something deep within her. She ought to ignore this feeling. Should she step away?

"Tell me about this blackmailer." Payal crossed her arms.

"Well, he sort of exposed Arin. Said he has an extramarital affair with a coworker. Sent Jiya pics. It's just horrible, honey."

"An affair," Payal brooded. Her eyes were fixed on something unknown in the distance. She looked utterly focused. Then she focused her attention back on her girlfriend, "An affair with Kanak?"

Meher was just slightly shocked, "How'd you know, babe?"

Payal shrugged.

"I also think this blackmailer is someone we know. Someone we interact with." Payal predicted.

"What makes you think so?"

"It is someone from this company. I'm sure."

"Could be, yeah."

* * *

Jiya almost didn't pick up that unknown call but curiosity got the better of her.

"Jiya." An oddly familiar voice answered at the other end.

"Who's this?"

"That's not important. Your husband is cheating on you. I've already sent you proof. I have more proof and I'm your well wisher. I'd like to meet you in person--"

"Please stop harassing me! I blocked your previous contact number and you found another way to contact me? Please stop it--" Despite being so annoyed, something compelled her to stay on line instead of cutting the call.

"I'll text you the address. If you want to help yourself, we'll meet tomorrow. Bye."

What the hell? This man was insane. Who even was he?

The text was there in less than a minute. 

Cafe Sunshine, 2pm

That was all it said. She had to tell Meher.

* * *

Meher's phone rang on her desk. She sighed as she read whose call it was.

She ran her hand through her hair, frustrated. She shouldn't receive Jiya's call. Was she getting too attached? Was Payal right?

She ought to distance herself from Jiya. Meher watched her phone ring eight more times before going silent.

Surprisingly, the more she tried to avoid Jiya, the more she found her mind wandering to her, lingering on her. Jiya was all she could think about as she left work that day, in the car as she drove back home.

Her doe eyes, her soft lips, her delicate frame ... Meher found her mind imagining Jiya's bare figure, in its full glory, before wandering to more inappropriate thoughts before snapping back to her rationality. 

This was so wrong. She shook her head and her fist clenched the steering wheel tightly. 

"Babe, please come over, I need you." Meher dialed her girlfriend's number. She tried not to show the obvious guilt in her voice. 

Later, Meher opened the elegant wooden door to her room to see Payal standing in the frame.

"Come here," She whispered.

Payal almost pounced on her girlfriend and crashed her plump lips on Meher's.

It should have felt as hungry and passionate as it always did, but something felt off to Meher. She pictured what it would be like to kiss Jiya's lips instead. She kept making out, despite realising that she wasn't fully invested. As her hand slid up her girlfriend's blouse, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to do the same to Jiya. She squeezed Payal's breast, earning a guttural moan from her. 

Payal pushed Meher on her bed and began kissing and licking her neck, slowly moving downwards as she unbuttoned her shirt and undid her trousers. Meher closed her eyes and grunted. She ought to solely focus on the one she truly loved.

Later, Meher held Payal in her arms. They snuggled, Meher slowly rubbing Payal's arm.

Meher's phone rang once more. This time, she was even more determined not to receive it.

"Babe," Meher whispered softly.

"Hmm?" Payal looked lovingly in Meher's eyes and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"You're right. I should stay the fuck away from Jiya."

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