#17 - Special Friends

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In a knee-lenth pastel pink skirt and a plain white blouse, with a half-finished cigarette between her small fingers, Payal strode into the bedroom in her classy heels. Her face had minimal makeup. A fresh acne breakout was evident on her face, and dark roots had began showing, the blondness fading away. 

"Get the fuck out of here, you whore!"

"You're misunderstanding--"

'It's not what it looks like! We haven't slept together!' save your lies, you bitch. I know you haven't slept together yet but you want to screw Meher. I know," A cloud of smoke escaped Payal's full lips. Her body shook as she spoke, her jaw clenched and her eyes bloodshot.

"What?! No--"

"Yes. Yes you wanna. You're so into her. You're in love with my girl!"


"See? You can't even deny it." Payal's body shook with rage as she uttered every word.


"I don't know what the fuck is going on between you both but you clearly want her and you're seducing her, being all puppy-eyed damsel in distress bullcrap. And it's fucking working! My baby is slipping away from me. You thief!"

"Payal no, that's not true ..."

"Then why are you here?!"

Jiya gazed the floor. 

"Of course, you can't answer me!" Payal said. "You're proving my goddamn point,"

"What's going on here-" Meher sounded gruff as she wiped her face with her hand, squinting at Payal. 

Meher winced as she propped herself against a pillow, letting go of Jiya's hand.

"Why are you two in the same bed," It was more like a statement than a question, unnervingly calm.

"You're back. Welcome back." Meher said flatly.

"I left in the first place because of this bitch." Payal pointed a finger at Jiya.

"Babe? What? I hadn't even talked to Jiya in a while, as per your wishes."

"Then why the heck is she here?!"

"She had just come to check up on me. And had to stay overnight because of the thunderstorm?"

"I call bullshit. This girl is in love with you. And you choose to hangout with her. Alone. At night. How dare you even come near my girl, you witch?" Payal was blinded by rage.

Her body was shaking as she stormed towards Jiya, her fists clenched. She raised her arm and smacked Jiya on her shoulder.

"Ow!" Jiya yelped.

"Babe? Stop!"

"Fucking bitch!" Payal grabbed Jiya's arm, twisting it.

"Argh!" Jiya tried to defend herself but her reflexes were not fast enough to defend what happened next. Payal swung her arm to deliver a blow to Jiya's belly.

Meher slapped her girlfriend.

Everything froze in its place. Payal was too shocked to speak. Meher had gone silent. Jiya only watched, clutching her tummy.

Payal slowly lifted her hand and placed it on her cheek. It stung. It burned. 

"Leave. Now." Payal said.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Jiya exited the room.

* * *

Jiya slumped on the couch, her eyes on the T.V.

The protagonist had been love struck, stealing glances at the female lead, dreaming about nothing but her. She blushed everytime he said anything remotely corny.

Jiya watched as he embaced his love interest in her arms. A typical bollywood romance sequence followed.

She had never felt such fluttery feelings towards any man. This was obviously all fake. Made up stuff. 

No one actually felt that way. 

Then why was Jiya feeling all these weird feelings towards Meher?

You're so into her. You're in love with my girl!

See? You can't even deny it.

Jiya had never felt these feelings. At least not for a man, at least.

* * *

"Students, we have a project coming up. It's a pair project. Pick a partner, hurry up!" The teacher ordered.

13 year-old Jiya's eyes sweeped the classroom and landed on the person she's been looking for.

A pair of beady eyes stared back at her knowingly. Hibah has short wavy hair and warm brown skin. She smiled back as Jiya waved at her, sprinting towards her.

As soon as they met, Hibah grabbed Jiya's hand, her smile widening.

Jiya felt a surreal, warm feeling engulf her. Everytime this girl held hands with her, she felt like the entire world had taken a momentary pause.

"Lets have a sleepover and we can decide everything about the project Hibahhh!"

"Yes. I'm so excited. I'll come over at your place."

Sleepovers with Hibah were Jiya's favourite thing in the world. They would always share the same big blanket and hold each other as they drifted to sleep.

Jiya loved it when Hibah lovingly stroked her hair and would resist the urge to give her a kiss on her cheek. And they would visit each other's houses everytime they had the opportunity.

They were welded together.

Every time someone asked them 'Are you sisters?', they would shake their head, 'no, just special friends' as they would knowingly glance at one another.

* * *

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My Cheating Husband's Boss (girl x girl | desi | 16+)Where stories live. Discover now