#16 - Sharing A Bed

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"You're at Meher Ma'am's house?! What the hell?" Arin screamed.

Jiya cringed, holding the phone away from her ear.

Meher's expression had hardened. Her eyes became dark and stoic, and her lips were pursed.


"What do you mean by 'yeah'? I need an explanation!"

Jiya sighed.

"Jiya Sharma! Answer me, you stupid bitch!"

The line went dead.

"You hung up?" Meher's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah. I'm tired of dealing with this man, honestly."

"Good job, Mrs Sharma," Meher extended her uninjured arm to give Jiya a fist bump.

Jiya giggled as she reciprocated.

"Are you hungry? I'm not a great cook, and without Sumedha I'm even worse off. But I can make some khichdi,"

"Meher, no. Let me cook us some dal and rice."

"Sure. You make the most delicious stuff. I'm lucky you're here with me tonight." Meher winked.

Did Meher just wink at her? Gosh, she was so cute. Jiya felt her cheeks go hot as Meher lightly nudged her forward with her right arm.

Her touch was enough to set her insides on fire. Jiya wanted it to linger and let out an inaudible sigh as Meher withdrew her hand.

Jiya felt at ease as she began cooking for Meher. It was surreal how comfortable Meher's presence brought her. As she washed the rice, her frame bent towards the sink, Jiya noticed how relaxed she felt. There was a slight, involuntary smile on her face.

Meher, on the other hand, had her eyes almost glued to her employee's wife. She took in the soft features of Jiya's face, her expressive doe eyes.

Until her eyes trailed downwards to her delicate lips. Meher quickly looked away.



"Something seems wrong. Is everything alright?"

"I think so, yeah,"

"Then why did you seem so sad when I mentioned Payal?"

There was silence in the kitchen now, except for the clink of vessels.

"She ... Left."


"Payal doesn't want to be with me anymore,"

"Where did she go?"

"Don't know," Meher lacked expression. It was almost like she had gone numb.

"What do you mean? Didn't she tell you where she's going?"

"No, I have zero clue. She always does this whenever we fight. She just vanishes and tells no one. It used to freak me out and make me so sad but now it's something I'm used to,"

"Oh ... "

"We've been having constant fights since she moved in with me. For the lamest reasons. It's almost like she's bitter about something,"

"Oh. I'm sorry ..." Jiya felt a swirl of mixed feelings. On one hand, she was sad to see Meher in pain but on the other hand, she felt light. Almost giddy, knowing that things were not going well between Meher and her girlfriend.

And it made her guiltier. Jiya felt evil. Why was she feeling glad that they had separated? The sadness of seeing Meher heartbroken outweighed any positive feelings she felt. 

My Cheating Husband's Boss (girl x girl | desi | 16+)Where stories live. Discover now