#11 - Sleazy Stalker

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She carefully lined her eyes with kohl and lined her lips. Next, Jiya marked her partition with fresh vermillion. Her face lacked any expression. There was no glint of hope in her eyes. 

Arin was cheating on her and she needed to know everything about it.

What bothered Jiya the most, though, was neither this sick stalker who claimed to know her husband's dark secret, nor was it her husband being unfaithful behind her back.

Arin was never nice to her. She did everything she could to please him, but he always stomped on her heart and kicked it away. 

The uneasy, nauseous feeling in her stomach was strangely because Meher has stopped responding.

She hadn't received a single on of her calls. Nor had she bothered to reply to the text Jiya had later sent her.

Me :

Meher, don't know why you haven't picked up my calls. He texted me this afternoon to meet me at Cafe Sunshine, 2 pm. I've decided to go. Sorry if I hurt you, I  don't know why you aren't talking to me anymore     :(

[seen 53 minutes ago]

Sweat droplets formed around Jiya's temples. She wandered in the scorching heat to look for her location. She had always been bad with directions but today she was absolutely sure she won't find the place she has been looking for.

Her phone displayed 2:08.

She finally approached an old vendor.

"Chacha, where's cafe Sunshine?"

The old man gave her a weird look, looking her up and down.

Jiya scowled at him.

He gave her a dirty look and pointed to a rusty board which read 'Hotel Sunshine This Way'.

After walking through three narrow alleys, Jiya found herself in an eerie, dark place. It smelled of crime. No smart civilian would dare set foot in this twisted place.

There was no hotel, nor was there a cafe.

Jiya realised how badly she had fucked up by agreeing to this when she saw the man in the suit.

He seemed familiar.

"You?!" She almost screamed, as he took off his shades.

"Hey, hey. Relax Jiya!" Rakesh replied. 

"YOU were behind all this?!"

Her husband's coworker just grinned at her.

"Why would you be such a weirdo about this, Rakesh? Couldn't you have told me upfront?"

"Would you have believed me if I had no proof?!" He screamed, making Jiya startle. 

Rakesh whipped out his phone from his pocket and began tapping away. He pinched his screen and showed Jiya the screen.

There were pictures. Pictures of her husband and his lover. They held hands while in office attire, posing for the camera man. They looked unafraid of any consequences.

He swiped to show more pictures. These were the same ones he had sent Jiya earlier. It made Jiya sick to her stomach.

"This is pathetic." She whispered bitterly.

"Do you believe me now?" He crossed his arms confidently.

Jiya just stood rooted at her spot, wordless.

"Your husband is a cheater. He does not care about you. You know who does care about you, though?" The expression in Rakesh's eyes seemed to change. His furrowed eyebrows relaxed and his dark pupils dilated. He placed his hand on Jiya's shoulders and brushed his fingers over her pale, soft skin.

Jiya flinched.

"I care about you, Jiya. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He stepped closer to her, looking down into her eyes as she looked away.

"Arin is a son of a bitch. I'll make you the happiest girl alive." He embraced her.

"Leave me alone!" She struggled to escape his grasp. Freeing herself, she stepped away from him.

"You ungrateful bitch! I'm trying to save your dignity. No one else is going to want a used bitch like you anyway."

He grabbed her slender arm and twisted it, causing her to scream. Tears formed in her eyes. 

"Leave her alone, you sick fuck!" A familiar voice emitted. Jiya sighed, relieved. She turned around to look at who had finally found them.

Meher charged towards Jiya's assaulter, her greenish eyes now blazing with rage. She slapped her subordinate with strength, "Rakesh, you motherfucker!"

Rakesh froze, his gaze on the ground. A moment later, he grasped Meher's neck with his large hands. Her eyes widened, her leg kicking bluntly into her attacker's crotch.

"Shit!" He welped.

With tears streaming down her eyes, Jiya's hands fumbled as they reached for her phone. She tapped away with shaky arms, finally bringing her phone to her ear.

Meher had managed to kick Rakesh to the floor. Boy, was she a strong woman. With vessels pulsating in her neck and her jaw clenched, she managed to give her opponent two more blows.

"Please be fast! We're at some place called cafe sunshine but it really isn't a cafe..." Jiya's voice was shaky and faint.

She wanted to do something, anything to help Meher stop the monster. But Jiya felt weak. She was on the verge of fainting. She watched as he kicked, making Meher fall to the ground. Then, he pinned her down roughly, grabbing her throat.

Rakesh was going to kill her. Jiya had to do something.

Jiya reached behind him and swung her arm aimlessly, feeling relieved as it made contact with his head. He yelped, stopping momentarily.

Meher sighed. But before Jiya could do anything more to save her husband's boss, someone pulled her arms and yanked her away.

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