#12 - Butterflies

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For the cast, whom do you imagine Jiya as? I picture her as Kiara Advani (well, sort of.) Let me know what you guys think!

Two ladies in khaki sarees and neat buns held Jiya by an arm each. Two policemen and a policewoman headed straight towards Meher and her assaulter, breaking their fight. Jiya burst out in tears, looking at her husband's boss.

Meher had a bruised temple, a bleeding lip and a swollen arm. Her elbow looked slightly disfigured and reddish, and when another policewoman in a khaki uniform tried to pull Meher's injured arm, she wailed in pain.

As the policewoman lead her away from the area, she noticed how Meher limped a little. Tears gushed down Jiya's face.

She felt terrible.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Rakesh scowled at Jiya as the police lead him away from her.

* * *

Jiya and Meher walked side by side out of the police station. Noticing Meher's limp and swollen arm, she began, "This doesn't look okay. We need to take you to a doctor."

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me." Meher's voice sounded flat, trying to hide any hint of pain.

As Meher tried to move her slightly disfigured left arm, she winced in pain.

"There's no way I'm letting you go home like that!"

"You're cute when you're assertive, hah!" The words slipped out of Meher's mouth quickly, followed by silence.

Jiya just looked down at the floor, her cheeks burning with heat.

They found their way to the local hospital, Jiya leading her injured friend. They were friends now, right?

* * *

The casualty ward was brightly lit and large, with a lot of injured patients. A young man in a uniform guided them to a bed at the far corner of the ward.

"Are you okay, Meher? Should I go call the doctor? Your arm really doesn't look good ... " Jiya looked stressed and pale, her kohl now smudged around her lower lids.

"The doctor will be here soon. I've already called a nurse to make sure the patient's vitals are okay. Please make the payment as soon as possible." The young man informed, leaving before either of them could ask any more questions. 

"Umm I'll quickly make payments. Just stay over here, okay? Should I get you some wat--" Jiya paused, looking down.

Meher was holding her hand with her own left arm.

Jiya just kept staring at their hands, her lips slightly parted in surprise. She felt heat rush up to her cheeks and a weird, oddly pleasant feeling in her stomach.

"Stay here, I need you with me. Don't worry about payments. I've already made a phone call to my assistant."

"Umm ... but I--" Jiya couldn't stop staring at her hand held in Meher's. Her heart was racing against her ribcage , her mouth going slightly dry.


"Yeah, okay." Her voice suddenly sounded sadder, and Jiya almost choked on tears, "But this was all my fault."

"What? That's bullshit."


"Ma'am, can we get your vitals?" A stout nurse with a blood pressure machine asked. 

"Sure." Meher said.

The nurse wrapped the cuff around Meher's left arm, while looking at her right arm curiously. Another nurse hooked an oximeter to Meher's finger.

"Do you have an injury to your right arm?"

Meher nodded.

"Does it hurt?" 

"Quite a bit."

Jiya gently patted and rubbed Meher's shoulder, earning a sigh.

"We'll give you a painkiller. Take a deep breath and hold it in, the needle might hurt a little." The other nurse injected a transparent liquid in Meher's arm.

"Let's get a full body X-Ray, vitals are normal." The first nurse announced. 

Jiya, now her skin flushed red held Meher's hand again, rubbing the back of it to sooth her, "I'm sorry Meher, this was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone to meet Rakesh. I--"

Meher rubbed Jiya's hand too, reciprocating the same action, "Shhhh,"

Butterflies. Jiya felt butterflies in her stomach. She quickly let go of Meher's hand, panicking a little. 

She had never felt these feelings before. Was she okay? Should she ask the nurse to check her vitals too? 

Meher cleared her throat and headed to the X-Ray department.

* * *

Jiya and Meher now waited in a different room. Meher's bleeding lip had been cleaned and dressed, and her temple looked slightly more swollen. Her elbow was extremely swollen.

"Rakesh is such a monster," Jiya uttered, her voice low and serious. 

"I'm gonna fire his ass. And your husband and his mistress's too. Well, alleged mistress," Meher's bangs were falling in her eyes. Her left fist clenched and her jaw looked so angular, it could surely cut.

Jiya was silent. She quietly brushed Meher's hair out of her eyes. Meher's eyes, now looking deep brown and smoldering, widened ever so slightly at the unexpected touch.

"Here," Jiya held out a glass of water for her husband's boss.

A bald man with a graying stubble and black glasses entered the room. He wore navy blue scrubs, with the words Dr Arshad Malik pinned to the top.

"I'm Dr Malik, senior orthopedic surgeon." This man had a commanding voice. 

His assistant nurse walked closely behind. She was a petite woman who refused to make eye contact with anyone. She held a clipboard in her hand.

"What's wrong with my hand?" Meher asked.

The petite nurse handed Dr Malik a couple of X-Ray films.

"Looks like your elbow is dislocated and your arm has a fracture. We'll have to reduce the dislocation and immobilize your fracture. Don't worry, I have prescribed pain medication.

"She'll be fine, right?" Jiya asked, concern lacing her voice.

"Of course, Madam. The patient can be discharged today. We'll have to plaster her arm. It'll recover in about three weeks.

"Thank you."

* * *

"I got you soup and a sandwich." Jiya announced, with a smile on her face. She was holding he steaming soup bowl in her hand.

Meher looked at her right plastered hand.

"Don't worry, I'm going to feed this soup myself."

The tight, serious look on her face seemed to relax. Meher's expression softened, "Thanks, Jiya."

Jiya carefully stirred the soup and filled the spoon halfway through, blowing cool air on it before feeding it to Meher. Meher had an indecipherable expression on her face. It was impossible to know what she was thinking of.

A drop of soup spilled on Meher's shirt, Jiya scurried to get a tissue paper to wipe it off.

"Sorry ..." Jiya began wiping it off, feeling Meher's eyes on her. Jiya looked back at Meher sheepishly.

Their eyes locked on each other, refusing to look away. Jiya's heart beat at an erratic speed, her cheeks flushing red.

Meher's gaze trailed down to Jiya's cheeks ... and then her lips. 

The butterflies in her stomach were doing somersaults now, Jiya felt extremely giddy. This was it.

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