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chapters are back up and running on my laptop guys i fixed it no need to worry

bathroomsex : robin

mintbox : bruce
vee : vance
sharkfin : finney
legobuilder : billy
homophobiaboss : griffin

- new and improved

bathroomsex changed vee's name to vancepants!

mintbox: GOODBYE


homophobiaboss: GNNN


vancepants: kill yourself.

vancepants changed bathroomsex's name to cantmakeamove!

sharkfin: how can he not make a move

cantmakeamove: finn..

sharkfin: what

sharkfin: OH SHIT

cantmakeamove: WE NEVER TOLD THEM

mintbox: dude


legobuilder: guys

cantmakeamove: I DON'T KNOW

vancepants: bro..

sharkfin: WE'RE SO STUPID

homophobiaboss: GUYS

sharkfin: WHAT

cantmakeamove: WHAT

legobuilder: we been knew

sharkfin: what

vancepants: we knew

cantmakeamove: how

vancepants: you texted me..?

cantmakeamove: OHHH YEAH

legobuilder: and we just figured it out

homophobiaboss: lolsies!

sharkfin: did we make it that obvious

mintbox: sorta

homophobiaboss: yeah

legobuilder: hell yeah

vancepants: oh yeah

- Finney Blake, Arellano Household
Monday, 17:43 PM, IRL.

Honestly, it still hasn't properly hit me. I'm dating Robin Arellano. Like, we are in love. I'm literally currently holding his hand. I mean, I honestly don't get it. How could he like a guy like me? I'm just some lousy old teenager who's unhealthily obsessed with space and astrology. And him, oh my don't get me started. He's perfect! He's the best boyfri-

"Finn!" Robin yelled, right in my face.

"Jesus! No need to yell in my face."

"I mean dang, no need to zone out on your boyfriend." he emphasised the word boyfriend. He knows it gets me every time, and I know too. Not something I'm particularly proud of.

I can feel the heat go up to my cheeks as he laughs at me, throwing his head back on the couch. "Stop laughing!" I said, hiding my cheeks and hitting him in the arm. "Dickwad."

"What did you just say?" he said, catching his breath from laughing so much. I just looked back at him and smirked. "Oh you're dead, Blake." he jumped on top of me and straddled my hips, tickling me.

"Spare me!" I choked out, laughing in the meantime. He continued tickling me for god knows how long, until he just stopped and looked at me. "..what?" I said.

"Nothing. You're just pretty." he replied. I hid my face in my hands again and he just laughed.

"Are we... interrupting something?" a voice said, startling Robin. He jumped off my lap, almost falling backwards on the couch. I caught him, laughing.

The voice turned out to be Bruce, with Vance, Billy and Griffin behind him. They were all laughing. "Oh drop dead, we're in love! Where the fuck did you guys come from anyways?!" Robin yelled as I pulled him up.

"We all got bored, and you were ignoring us, so we came over here. We're sleeping over and there's nothing you can do about it." Bruce said casually.

"Whatever, fall out of love. Making me feel single over here." Billy said, chucking his backpack beside the couch and jumping on an armchair.

"Admit your love for Griffin then." I commented.

"Delete life. Press power off, like, now." Billy replied.

"Square up, hoe!" Robin said, throwing punches in Billy's direction.

"Is it just me, or Finney's voice has definitely gotten deeper?" Vance said, he sat down beside Bruce who was sitting on the floor, using the couch me and Robin were on as a backrest.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you hit pooberty." Griffin said. We all paused to look at him. Pooberty..? Really?

"You mean.. puberty?" Bruce said, snickering.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Pooberty." we all started pissing ourselves laughing.

"You have GOT to be kidding." Vance said in between laughs. Griffin just sat there, looking completely and utterly confused.

- Arellano Household
Monday, 23:09 PM, IRL.

Soon after, the boys had dinner with the Arellano's. It wasn't much different for Vance and Finney, as they had been over countless of times. However, Bruce, Billy and Griffin just stood there when everyone else was dancing to Spanish music while Robin's mom made dinner.

Bruce watched Vance in awe, Vance soon pulling him in to dance.

But now, they're knocked out cold. After dinner, they put on movies. They watched Mean Girls, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Breakfast Club and episodes of sit-coms and rom-coms. Billy fell asleep somewhere during Mean Girls, as did Griffin. Vance was knocked out during Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Bruce fell asleep during a rom-com. Vance and Bruce were cuddled up against each other, still using the couch Robin and Finney were on as a backrest. Billy and Griffin were sharing an armchair.

Finney and Robin were in the middle of a random rom-com. Robin was tracing his fingers over the lines on Finney's hand while Finney had his head on Robin's shoulder. Finney's stomach grumbled, indicating that he was starving. He hadn't eaten since dinner - which was six or seven hours ago.

"You hungry?" Robin whispered, looking down at Finney. Finney nodded slowly. "Right, come on." Robin picked Finney up, bridal style. He tip-toed over Vance and Bruce's legs and quietly walked to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" he said, placing Finney on the counter and looking through cupboards to find something Finney might like.

Finney rubbed his eyes. "M' not sure." he said blankly. Robin furrowed his eyebrows at him.

"You okay mi vida?" he said, dropping the thing he had in his hand on the counter and walked up to Finney, standing in between his legs. He took both of Finney's hands in his.

Finney smiled and laughed quietly. "That's a new one." he said.


"Mi v-vida. That's new." he stammered.

"O-oh, yeah," Robin replied. Finney smiled brightly and put his head on Robin's chest. "So what do you want to eat?"

Finney lifted his head and thought for a second. "French toast!" he whisper-yelled.

Robin giggled. "Finn, you know we can't make that at this time."

"In the morning?"

"Of course. Do you want to go back to sleep?" Finney nodded sheepishly. Robin picked Finney up again, holding him by his thighs. Finney blushed at this.

They went back into the position they were in before, Robin tracing the lines on Finney's hand again. "Buenas noches, mi amor." Robin whispered and kissed Finney's forehead lightly.

"Good night Robin." he whispered back.

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