Chapter 7: Shots fired

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As soon as Fatima gets in the car Blue starts explaining what happened.

It was a typical Thursday night which was amateur night at Eden. The club was bustling with people out for a good time they even had a long line waiting to enter. Everything looked like business as usual when suddenly, the sound of gunfire shattered the air. Chaos erupted as people ran in every direction, seeking safety. The shooter was aiming at the sky, creating a diversion for his accomplices who were inside the club. They planned to rob the club's safe, which contained the night's earnings. The loud shots outside the club made it impossible for anyone to hear the commotion inside. The robbers had planned the perfect heist.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and the music stopped. The club was plunged into darkness, and people started to panic, Tommy had jumped on Madam to protect her not allowing her off the ground until he knew it was safe to do so. The robbers had broken into the safe and were making their escape before anyone could go after them. They quickly made their way out of the club, blending in with the crowd of people who were still trying to escape the chaos outside.

As far as Blue knew, no one was killed in the shooting. However, some people sustained minor injuries in the stampede. As soon as the robbers had made their escape, the police and news crews arrived on the scene. The news crews surprisingly arrived before the police, but once there the police quickly took control of the situation and began to investigate the shooting. The news crews were quick to jump on the story as well. The story was broadcasted on every channel, making headlines all over the city.

Madam had not made it known to the authorities that money had been stolen from the safe, she was pissed and wanted to handle that herself. They knew that the club would be closed for a while as the investigation took place.

Blue finished explaining what she knew just as they got to the club. Fatima arrived on the scene and quickly went to work, assessing the situation and taking stock of the damage, it was chaotic with people everywhere and the police and media moving around. Her first priority was to ensure that anyone who was injured received immediate medical attention and she quickly started ordering people that weren't injured to assist those that were while waiting for the first responders. She spoke to the employees and told them not to speak to the police without her present and when she gave the police descriptions of the suspects she kept it vague and generic because her cousin would want to handle things her way and Fatima had no problem with that. She cleared the police from the club since the actual shooting had taken place outside so the club itself was not a crime scene, this also meant the club did not need to be shut down for an extended period.

She worked with Madam to manage the media and public relations fallout from the incident releasing a statement to the news crews that were outside. They coordinated with the club's insurance company to file any necessary claims for damages or injuries, as well as ordered the repair crew to come in the next day. They also worked to reassure the club's patrons that the incident was an isolated event and that the club will take all necessary measures to ensure their safety in the future.

When they had cleared everyone from the club Fatima and Madam made their way to Madam's office to discuss how they were going to handle the theft.

"You okay?" Fatima asked her cousin

"No, I'm fucking pissed. Whoever did this is dumb as shit thinking I won't come after them. There's two things I don't play about and that's my blood and my money,"

"I know. Listen, whatever you need to do I'll ride with you, no question,"

"It's late, let's get some rest then we can talk about this tomorrow,"

"Good idea, I'll need Tommy or Blue to give me a ride back to my place though,"

On the drive home Fatima allowed the events of the evening to wash over her and she was rattled. Her cousin had a reputation as someone you didn't fuck with and whoever had stolen the money clearly didn't care and that made Fatima uneasy.

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