Chapter 22: F*ck the peace signs

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"Fuuuuck," Fatima yelled as she hung up the phone, the thought of something happening to Andi made her heart race, she paced the room, her mind whirling with worry. Zac came running into their room, concern etched on his face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with urgency.

"I'm not sure but I think something is wrong with Andi, babe we need to get back home now," Fatima replied, her voice tinged with panic.

"I'll make some calls and get the jet ready. Do you think it has something to do with Gary?" he asked his face grim

Fatima's mind raced as she realized that Gary was probably involved. She cursed herself for not telling Zac about the gifts and texts he had been sending to Andi. "Probably, shit I forgot to tell you the nigga's been sending her gifts and texting her and shit,"

Raising his eyebrow, "You forgot to tell me?"

"I promise I didn't mean to keep it from you. It just slipped my mind with everything else going on, with the move," she said, looking at Zac apologetically.

"I believe you. Go get ready, I need to make some calls," Zac said, his voice reassuring but a feeling of unease settled in his stomach.

Zac sprang into action, already making calls to get their private jet ready within the hour. He also reached out to Josh, the man he had hired to keep an eye on Gary, hoping to get a lead on his whereabouts.

"Josh, do you have a location on Gary?" Zac asked, his voice tense.

"Uhm about that,"

"Nigga I don't have time for your bullshit, talk fast,"

"I lost him a few days ago. I've been trying to track him down, but he seems to have disappeared, He hasn't been home and he hasn't been to work either." Josh replied, sounding apologetic.

"Josh, I don't give a fuck what you have to do but you need to find that motherfucker in the next 5 hours or it's your ass," Zac muttered his voice low keeping his frustration in check,

"I'm so sorry for all this, my love," Gary whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked at Andi lying on the bed. He brushed his fingers over her cheek, down her neck, and traced a line to the corner of her lips, which were now slightly parted.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen," he continued, his voice shaking with emotion. "I know I messed up, but I love you so much. You have to believe me."

He reached out and took her hand, it was cold to his touch and that made him feel panicked. He looked at her intently, as if he was trying to will her awake with the intensity of his gaze.

"I just want things to be the way they used to be," he said, his voice breaking. "I just want you to love me again like you used to, and I want to try to make it up to you. That's why I built us this dream house - so we can start over and be happy again."

"I know it's that bitches fault, so when you wake up I'll get her here and we both can teach her a lesson,"

Gary's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Andi's still form. He climbed onto the bed and held her close to his chest, willing her to come back to him.

"I think I'll start with cutting her, just to mess up her face. And when she's good and fucking hurting, we'll find more ways to have fun with her just to teach her how to stay out of people's business.

I'll let you watch baby so you know there's nothing to be jealous of, and when we're done with her you'll help me get rid of her"

He stayed there, holding her close, until his tears eventually subsided and he fell into an uneasy sleep, still holding tightly onto her.

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