Chapter 32: Fire + Water

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As Fatima groggily awoke to Zac's voice, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and tried to figure out what was going on. "Baby, wake up the doctor is here to check you out," Zac said

"What?" Fatima asked, her mind still foggy from sleep.

"The doctor's here," Zac replied with a serious look

"Why do I need to see a doctor?" she asked she was puzzled as to why she needed a doctor but the look he gave her told her everything she needed to know, he wasn't playing with her and there was no room for negotiation, she knew what time he was on.

Reluctantly, Fatima got out of bed "Okay, I'm just going to brush my teeth and wash my face and I'll see the doctor," she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. When she returned, she was surprised to find Zac had disappeared and a middle-aged woman in a white coat was waiting for her.

"Ms Wilson, I'm Doctor Bishop," the doctor said with a smile.

"Please just call me Fatima," she replied, trying to put herself at ease.

"Alright then Fatima, this should be a relatively quick physical and I'll take some blood from you just to run some tests as a precaution. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good thanks,"

The doctor examined her and they talked about her general wellbeing until the doctor was satisfied then she drew some blood. As Fatima walked the doctor out, she saw her cousin, Madam, talking to Zac in the living room.

"Hey Tima, how are you doing?" Madam asked when she saw her

"I'm good cuz, and the good doctor here is going to confirm that in a couple of days," Fatima replied

After seeing the doctor out, Fatima returned to the living room and, as she walked past Zac, he pulled her into his lap. Oh, he was definitely going to be on her ass for the foreseeable future she thought to herself.

"I think we should address the elephant in the room," Fatima said, breaking the silence.

"So we know the guys that were holding you were just the hired muscle and not the ones who orchestrated the whole thing," Madam said

"Yes, so get this the guy behind the whole thing is my biological father," Fatima revealed.

"For real?" Madam gasped in shock, while Zac exclaimed, "What?"

Fatima went on to explain, "Okay, so my mom was with this Franklin guy back in the day and they had a whole ass toxic situation and my mom was going to leave his ass but then she found out she was pregnant with me so she stayed. Then after I was born she found out that he was involved in a sex trafficking ring and so she finally left him for good and moved us to Atlanta. Here she got a job working for Uncle James and that's how she met my dad. They had only just started dating when my biological father found us and tried to take us back to Philly, my mom had told Dad and Unc everything and so they threatened Franklin and he fell back and went back to Philly and apparently he's been plotting ever since on how he was going to get me back or some shit like that," she finished and Zac wasn't sure what to say,

"Ugh..." he started unable to come up with anything more to say.

"That's fucked up," Madam said

"Yea, what she said. Why would your biological father have people kidnap you? Like for real what if you had gotten hurt? What kind of fucked up plan is that?" Zac finally said

"I know it's messed up," Fatima agreed, "But let him tell it and he'll tell you he didn't want to but because I'm good at my job and I got all the bullshit charges against Inc dropped this was the only way,"

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