Chapter 26: Day 14 (part 3): Hero

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Chapter 26: Day 14 (part 3): Hero:

Tension and silence hung over Tony Stark and I like a dark cloud of rain, knowing any minute an answer would drop and afterwards, one of us would shoot the other.

We’d been sitting like this for over an hour and a half. I wasn’t going to push Tony for an answer because I wasn’t in any hurry to die, but when he did end up doing it, I wanted him to do it in the Cornucopia. Therefore, no one would see my dead body and my father and my grandmother would be shielding from ever seeing me die on television like so many other sons and daughters before me.

“I owe Clint.” Tony whispered hoarsely, as if remembering a strong memory. His eyes were glazed over like he was dreaming. “Before the Invasion, I didn’t take anything very seriously, until I became Iron Man. That really put everything in perspective for me. I had an assistant by the name of Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts and I had no idea that I was in love with her until Justin Hammer and Vanko almost killed her with their Drones.”
I put a hand on Tony’s shoulder, it was the only thing I could think of to do. Tony Stark was a broken man, and the cracks went deeper than just a hero who had given up hope and who had fallen. He’d lost the love of his life.

“It’s okay, Tony.” I told him softly. “You don’t have to tell me anymore.”

Tony ignored me and continued explaining. “On the day of the Invasion, Pepper was on my jet on her way back from D.C. I tried to call her just as I was diverting the nuclear bomb that had been sent in New York’s direction. But I couldn’t get through to her. When I got back to the city, I begged Clint to leave the city and find her –keep her safe. And he did. Ever since that day, I’ve been visiting Pepper in secret, but a few months ago, the Council somehow found out about Pepper’s hiding place and they arrested her. I don’t know whether she’s alive or not, but I owe Clint for giving me more time with her.”

I stared at Tony in shock –he’d managed to keep a secret from the Council for six years, perhaps they knew all along and wanted to prolong his pain, but I doubted that. I didn’t know what to do or what to say. I just stared at him blankly as he stared out of the dark Cornucopia and came back from his flashback state.

“You have to get out of this alive, Estelle.” He told me. “That’s the only way I’ll ever be able to repay Clint.”
“No!” I exclaimed, “You have to get out of here. I’m not letting Clint use that against you, I’m not killing you.” I said defiantly.

“You have to, Stella!” He yelled and I looked away from him.
“No I don’t! I’m a Civilian; I’m not supposed to get out of this alive. I shouldn’t have made it past Day Six!” I quipped.
Tony’s voice dropped so it was only just audible. “You’re part of a bigger plan, Estelle. So much bigger than you realise and the only way you will is if you get out of the Marvel Games alive.”

I turned my head to face him again. What did he mean a ‘bigger plan?’ I was just a Civilian, I couldn’t do anything –I didn’t even know how I’d managed to survive in the Games!

“Just trust me,” He pleaded seeing the confusion in my eyes. “Please, Stella. You have to trust me. Take that gun and shoot me.”

I shook my head as tears started to leak out.

No, no, no. I couldnt shoot Tony. Hes done so much for me just to keep me alive. I cant do that to him.

“I can’t.” I mumbled.

“Why not, Stella?” He put his hands over mine. “Why not?”
“Because killing someone is wrong!” I shouted. “I remember being in a class two years after the Invasion and a teacher asked ‘if you had the option to kill one person in order to two hundred years of peace, would you kill?’ and I was the only person in the class that said that I wouldn’t.”
“This is different, Estelle.” Tony reassured me.
“How is this any different?” I shot back.
“Because this is real life, not a hypothetical scenario in a classroom.” He reminded me before whispering. “Please, just do it.”

He was begging me now. He just wanted to end his life. I could see that he wasn’t happy; he was hiding behind a mask to show the people that he was fine, but he wasn’t. He was suffering and crumbling inside.

I threw my arms around Tony and let out a sob. I couldn’t do this, but it was slowly hitting me that I had to.

“Okay.” I murmured, “Okay, I’ll do it. Just give me some time.”

Tony nodded as I stood up and took a few steps backwards.

Tony looked at me with those big, brown eyes and I felt a sickening reassuring that this was, no matter how much I hated it, the right thing to do.

He wanted to die – I couldn’t take that decision away from him. It would be cruel.

Slowly, I raised the gun from the make-shift holster and clicked off the safety.

I watched Tony take a deep breath, as if tasting the air for the last time and nodding at me. He wasn’t going to back out of this.

Was I?

It took me about fifteen minutes to actually make up my mind.

No. No I wasn’t going to back out.

It was the worst five seconds of my life between pulling the trigger, watching Tony fall to the ground and hearing that final cannon sound.

The next minute was even worse. I stood there with the modified gun in hand, having not moved from when I shot him and suddenly, there was another voice in the arena.

Loki’s voice over the speakers started to talk. “The Republic of Laufeyson, please congratulate Estelle Rosalie Arrowsmith, the winner of the 5th Annual Marvel Games –and the only remaining Victor!”

Most people, I think, would have been happy at this moment. They didn’t have to fight for their lives anymore.
I wasn’t one of those people. I dropped my gun and fell to my knees, sobbing.

I didn’t even realise that Clint had come into the arena to collect me.


Author's Note: Hi guys! LAST. EVER. CHAPTER. OF. MARVEL. GAMES. Until the Marvel Games Sequel, which I'm thinking of calling "MARVEL HEROES" or something along those lines -if anyone has any ideas for the title, PM or comment!

Anyway... You like? You hate? I KILLED TONY, I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT! I kid you not, I sat in the corner of my room crying for about half an hour when I wrote this, it was so, so sad.

What do you think is going to happen in the Sequel?
What do you think is going to happen between Clint and Estelle?
Do you think Estelle will be a martyr or will she turn into something we don't recognise -will she become a full blown hero?
Speaking of heroes -if there is another Marvel Games in the sequel -WHO'S GOING IN?!

There are so many questions! Not many answers though!

Until the Sequel, stay tuned for the Bonus Content! There is four parts including, an interview with Estelle, the playlist I used for this entire book, the synopsis for the Marvel Games sequel AND a sneak peak at 'MARVEL GAMES: THE NEXT AVENGERS' which I am writing with @Valdez_Boy.


Until the next book, comment, like, vote!
*huggles* arielleblack

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