Ode to Technology Disconnection

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Oh cellphone, how I wish I'd put you down,
To not pick you up each time you make a sound.
I wish I'd stop scrolling through social media drear,
And close my laptop to not stream one more show here.

Tablet games have turned foolish and asinine,
I long for the days of ballgames in the yard.
When kids used to play outside without alarm,
Running along riverbanks coming to no harm.

The world has turned cruel, with dangers around each bend,
Kids can no longer just freely play and pretend.
I tell you I miss the old ways, the old life,
Before each waking moment was filled with digital strife.

A break from technology would be such a treat,
To live like the old days, even for just a week.
Disconnect from the madness, the constant feed and chime,
Oh to go back to basics, if just for a time!

Technology, you've brought us so much,
Advancements at breakneck speed we can't get enough.
Information and knowledge at our fingertips each day,
Entertainment and connection in each and every way.

And yet I crave a reprieve, a chance to get away,
To sit in sweet silence with nothing to say.
No tweets or updates, no streaming shows to see,
Just calm and quiet, that would suit me.

A digital detox is what's needed I fear,
To appreciate the simple pleasures so dear.
A sunrise, a sunset, a bird's morning song,
Conversation with loved ones all day long.

The modern world is wondrous, but also wearying so,
Overstimulation has set my nerves aglow.
A break from the madness would restore and renew,
So technology, I bid you a temporary adieu!

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