Writing the Story of Us

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I could write ten short books in the span of a year,
Depending on the length, and context, but I'll get it done,
But whenever I sit to write the story of him and I,
Words never seem to come, I can't figure it out.

Should I start with 'I love you,' or 'I hate you,'
Should I write about all the times you made me cry,
But also about the times you made me smile,
This you and I story would take years to finish,
To try to write down every emotion I feel and place it in a book,
It's close to impossible, because you make me feel things,
I'm scared that words can't imagine, the happiness is incomprehensible, And the pain seems indescribable, but the love is always there.

If I wrote a book, and told the world I loved the pain you cause me,
They'd think I'm crazy, and they'd probably think you're a psychopath that abuses me,
But it's different, because there's no happiness without pain,
That's just the way it is, so when I say I love the pain you cause me,
It means that even when you cause me pain, you still love me,
You still come back to wipe my tears.

So you see, dear readers, it's confusing,
That's why writing this book would take forever.

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