4. To Pretty To Cry

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Xavier's Pov:

Tonight is business as usual handling paperwork and going to meetings, I would rather not be at before going to run the club at night. I own a few businesses around here but I just opened up a new club called Lust well a BDSM club I mean it has a bar, DJ, and dance floor so it's technically a club too. I have a reason for opening up this club that I haven't told anyone other than my two best friends who are second in charge Ryder and Grayson, you see yes I am into BDSM anyone I've ever been with can tell you that, but I'm also a daddy who wants to care for a little girl I would love nothing more than to find a little one to cherish, spoil and love which I know isn't expected from me running one of the most wanted mafias in the world but you can't help what you like. I saw a few girls here and there who looked the part but eventually, they all wanted the same thing money. I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when Ryder comes bursting through my office door throwing some guy on the floor aggressively.

" Well hello to you to Ryder"

I laugh.

" Hey boss I thought you might want to see this scum bag before I blow his fucking brains out"

Ryder says pushing the man up against the wall and holding him up by his throat, I say nothing just walk over and calmly place my hand on Ryder's shoulder causing him to drop the man to the floor.

" Calm down what happened?"

I question, making Ryder huff before turning to me, I can see he is still boiling over with anger and ready to kill this man as soon as he gets the chance to do so.

" He hurt a girl"

Ryder says through gritted teeth.

" What do you mean?"

I question still confused.

" He took a girl from her dominate and tried to make her do things with him, thank god her dominate found me and was worried and the first thing we always do is check the rooms and sure enough this bastard was there"

He spits in anger.

" And what do you want me to do about this?"

I question I will ban him for life no questions asked, and if he ever sets foot in my club again he's as good as dead.  I do not tolerate that shit but I can tell Ryder needs to let some anger out and why not do it on this pathetic excuse for a human.

" You know what don't answer that I'm sure you can teach him a lesson you don't need my help do you ?"
I question causing him to smirk.

" No, I can do that"

He says before pulling the man who is now crying and begging for forgiveness off the floor before punching him square in the face,  so hard you can hear the cracking of his nose breaking. I walk away out of my office leaving Ryder to do as he wishes and to go find Grayson to make sure the girl is okay. As I'm walking through the sea of people most of who are intoxicated, a cute little giggle catches my attention, I look around trying to find who it is as I hear it again, I see three people sitting in a booth, one who I know is Axel one of my men sitting with a black haired man with his arm wrapped around him and two girls sitting across from them, one with long straight black hair and one with long curly blonde hair. I'm immediately intrigued by the blonde-haired girl, her eyes so light blue they are nearly grey, her natural makeup with a little winged eyeliner, and her smile so warm and welcoming, they all get up and make their way over to the dance floor letting me see her midsized frame with wide hips and curves in all the right places, her white dress with puffy sleeves showing off her breast making them the focal point, I've never seen someone so beautiful.

" Uh boss"

I hear Grayson from beside me causing me to jump,  pulling my attention away from the girl.

" Don't fucking do that"

I yell at him causing him to smirk as he looks over to the same girl who caught my attention.

" Oh I'm sorry was I interrupting something"

He teases causing me to punch him in the arm.

" Shut up now what do you want?"

I question still annoyed.

" Did Ryder find you?"

He questions causing me to nod my head yes, as I'm still watching the blonde-haired girl sway and move her hips to the music making me want her that much more.

" Well the dominate wants to see you"

Grayson states causing me to groan not wanting to take my attention away from the blonde-haired girl, before looking at Grayson and gesturing to him to lead the way. I follow him to the back of the club down the hallway to where there are private rooms for people to enjoy. One of the doors is open near the end of the hallway and Grayson leads me to where a woman is comforting another woman who must be her submissive.

" Hi I'm Xavier the owner of this club, Grayson here tells me you would like to see me and I have to apologize that you had to go through something like this, and I want to assure you that man has now been banned from ever setting foot back into this club and is being dealt with as we speak"

I say putting on my best customer service voice.

" So the police are dealing with him?"

She questions causing Grayson to smirk, I say nothing just smile and nod my head.

" And please anytime you do wish to return drinks are on the house" 

I say quickly.

" Okay I just wanted to make sure that scum bag is learning his lesson I mean who the fuck does that"

She says still quite upset.

" Don't worry miss he's learning his lesson alright"

Grayson smirks, making it hard for me to hold in my laughter knowing that man is probably getting beaten within an inch of his life just across the club.

" Okay thank you"

She says quickly, I say nothing just nod my head and leave the room, and as I and Grayson are now out of the hallway away from the room he starts laughing.

" Yes ma'am the police are dealing with him"

He laughs causing me to roll my eyes.

" You're such an idiot, anyway do you remember what that guy looked like I barely looked at him as I was trying to calm down Ryder"

I say quickly he says nothing and just nods his head yes.

" Okay well let all the other guys know if he sets foot in here again he's dead got it"

I say quickly.

" No worries boss"

He says before walking away into the sea of people. I do the same heading back to where I saw the blonde-haired girl, I look all over the dance floor where I last saw her smiling and dancing before making my way over to the bar area, I look around the bar thinking maybe she's just ordering a drink but she's not there I swear under my breath thinking that I have missed my chance but then I'm pulled out my thoughts by the sound of someone crying, thinking something else has happened I look around for the source only to find the blonde haired girl now sitting alone crying in one of the booths, as I walk closer I notice she clutching tightly to a little stuffed lion that's poking its head out of her purse, you wouldn't be able to see it far away, I say nothing just slide in the booth across from her but she doesn't even notice as the small sobs leave her lips.

" You're too pretty to cry little one"

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