36. Right Decision

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Xavier's Pov:

Twenty minutes into the drive Grayson pulls into a McDonald's as promised causing the two girls in the back to let out an excited squeal as we go into the drive-through and order two happy meals, one with chicken nuggets for Ella and one with a burger for Bella. After waiting a few moments we finally receive the food and Grayson passes it to me beside him in the front seat, before I reach my hand back and pass one to Bella and One to Ella causing them to do their little happy dances making both me and Grayson laugh. Finally, after an hour of driving the girls finished all their food, and played with some of the toys in their backpacks Ella was drinking her milk from one of her sippy cups causing me to smile as I looked in the review mirror to see her slowly drifting off to sleep.

" Bella I want you to try to get some sleep as it's already way past your bedtime"

Grayson says gently, as it's now nearly past 9 pm as we left my house just past 8 pm.

" But I'm not tired"

She whines while letting out a yawn causing Grayson to laugh.

" Can you do me a favour?"

He questions looking at me quickly before looking back at the road.

" Of course"

I say quickly.

" She has an iPad in her bag can you grab it out and put on Wall-E for her it's her favourite movie I'm hoping she will drift off to sleep while watching it"
He says honestly, I say nothing just turn my body reaching into the back seat taking Bella's purple backpack unzipping it and pulling out her iPad, before opening it up putting on the movie for her and turning back in the seat putting it in her lap, as I look over to Ella she keeps pouting when she drops her sippy cup being too tired to hold it up any longer causing me to smile,  I turn my body the other way which squishes my arm between the door and the seat, reaching on her lap and take her paci, before turning back the other way and placing it in her mouth to replace the sippy cup causing her to snuggle her sippy cup,  as well as Daisy and Leo moving around in her chair a bit before finally falling into a deep sleep.

" Your paci is in the front pocket of your bag along with Lollita to help you sleep and there is a sippy cup of strawberry milk in your bag as well"

Grayson says quickly as I turn back facing the front.

" I don't need it I not a baby"

Bella fights back quickly before letting out another yawn, only causing Grayson to roll his eyes shaking his head. As me and Grayson start talking about random things he looks up in the review mirror and lets out a laugh.

" What's so funny?"
I question causing him to smile.

" She thinks she's so tough but she's my little baby"

He smiles fondly, making me look in the back seat where Bella is now asleep clutching onto a Disney princess sippy cup in one hand and a black bunny that has purple on the inside of her ears as well as the name Bella embroidered on the inside of the ear in white stitching in the other hand with a plain black paci in her mouth causing me to laugh.

" So what do you plan to do if it is this dude she tried to make you jealous with?"

He questions making me sigh.

" Firstly we need to find out what the fucker wants because he wouldn't be going through papers in my office for no reason"

I say causing him to nod his head in understanding.

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