6. Sorry I Left You

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* Edited*

Xavier's Pov:

Ella has me wrapped around her little finger already,  her little giggles as I shook Leo's hand were music to my ears. The fact that her friends just left her like that made my blood boil but I was glad I could make her smile again, I want her to be mine no matter the cost. We are still sitting on the couch talking about everything yet nothing at all if this was any other woman she would have bored me to death already, but I find myself intrigued by Ella and wanting to know more. So far I know this little lion Leo is very important to her and she takes him everywhere no matter what, her favourite colour is pink and yellow, her favourite food is pretty much anything that involves sugar but mainly chocolate, she has anxiety and defiantly a fear of being left alone. I got up to make myself a drink a few moments ago and I could see her pout before asking me where I was going, I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a sudden knock on my office door causing Ella to jump in surprise.

" It's okay cutie probably just one of my workers saying goodbye before they go home okay just stay here"

I say gently rubbing her shoulder causing her to relax a little. I stand from the couch and walk over to the door opening it glaring at one of my men Tony for interrupting my time with my little one.

" What"

I say through gritted teeth still glaring at him, I could see the fear in his eyes.

" Sorry boss these two people are looking for a blonde-haired girl called Ella they said they've been looking for all over the club for her I thought you would want to know"

He says quickly causing me to sigh in annoyance I guess it's time I meet these friends of hers, no matter what I already think about them for leaving her in a place like this. I say nothing and just open the door revealing the black-haired boy with flowers in his hair, and the black-haired girl that I saw her with earlier this evening, as soon as they see Ella they run over to her and engulf her in a group hug causing her to giggle. I gesture for Tony to come in which he does closing the door behind him, after a few moments I clear my throat catching their attention.

" Sorry to scare you like that my name is Xavier I'm the owner of this club, I found Ella crying alone at one of the booths she was quite upset by the fact you both had left her, and she couldn't find you she didn't like the loudness of the club so I told her she could hang out in here until you both were ready to find her"

I say as nicely as possible, but on the inside my blood is still boiling.

" Oh Ella I'm so sorry I left you even if it was for the man of my dreams"

The boy says kissing her on the cheek causing me to clench my fist in anger, I swear I could've killed him right then and there I mean I know they're just friends but I don't like other people touching what belongs to me.

" It's okay Ollie I-"

She goes to finish her sentence but the long black-haired girl cuts her off.

" And I'm sorry to Ella I shouldn't have left you by yourself even if that guy was so good looking I have to tell you all about it"

She says hugging her tightly, so Ella is right they left her alone to go hook up with people who even does that.

" Guys it's okay I had fun hanging out with Xavier I made a new friend just like you guys "

She says proudly smiling over at me causing me to smile back, it took everything in me not to coo at her cuteness at least she likes me I mean as a friend but it's better than nothing.

" Alright well let's get you home"

Ollie says as they both help her up and link arms together before starting to walk out of my office and talk between themselves, I try butting in and following them wanting to give my little cutie my phone number but it is no use, I mean yes I could have been forceful with it like I would've done anyone else but I didn't want Ella to be afraid of me.

" Fuck"

I swear under my breath before walking back to my office where Tony is still standing awkwardly. I say nothing and just walk over to my desk sitting down in my chair fuming with anger, I mean who the hell do these people think they are just taking her away from me like that, after making her cry her eyes out and leaving her to get laid, and on top of that and the way Ollie decided to kiss her cheek how fucking dare he, by this point, I am beyond mad and stand up holding my glass before throwing it against the wall causing it to smash into little tiny pieces before turning to look at Tony.

" Ryder and Grayson now"

I say through gritted teeth.

" But boss Ryder is-"

He starts but I quickly cut him off shooting him daggers.

" I don't give a fuck what they're doing get them here now and if I was you I would not make me angrier right now or you might not get the chance to see tomorrow understood"

I say angrily, he says nothing and just nods his head leaving the room. I take a deep breath in and out trying to calm myself flopping down in my desk chair, I've never acted out in this way over a girl before and all he did was kiss her cheek but I don't care Ella is mine and I don't like people touching what's mine, I'm pulled out of thoughts as Ryder and Grayson walk through the door standing in front of me.

" I need to know everything there is to know about a girl named Ella blonde hair grey eyes five foot three"

I say simply.

" Last name?"
Grayson questions causing me to glare at him.

" Okay never mind then when do you want it?"

Ryder questions.

" I want it as soon as possible I don't care what other business you have, you put it aside for this and I will handle everything else understood?"

I demand, they say nothing knowing not to try me when I'm angry so they just nod their heads before walking out and closing the door behind them, I flop back down on my desk chair. I don't know how I'm going to do it but Ella will be my little.

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