21. No Wanna

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Ella's Pov:

Xavier places me on his hip before walking out the front door where there's a big black SUV already waiting for us. It's a beautiful day today the sun is out and it's not too hot or too cold, I'm pulled from my thoughts when one of Xavier's guards opens the door and there is a seat in the car causing me to look at Xavier in confusion, as he walks closer I can soon see that it's a car seat made for someone the size of me, it's black on the outside but the seat is pink on the inside. If he thinks I'm sitting in that thing he has another thing coming, I look to the seat and then back at Xavier praying he can see how badly I don't want to be in that seat let alone let people see me in it.

" Daddy?" 

I question causing him to look down at me.

" Yes little one"

He says simply stopping in front of the car door.

" You no put me there"

I say quickly, my words mumbled around my paci.

" I will be putting you in there because I need to keep my little princess safe. I can't have you reaching for something or getting out of your seat while I'm driving"

He says simply, he goes to lift me but I start wiggling in his hold shaking my head no, I kick my legs trying desperately to get out of his hold.

" Little one you better stop this right now"

He says dominantly.

" No, I no wanna"

I yell spitting my paci out and making it swing down on the paci clip that is still attached to my shirt, I fight to get out of his hold now that he's only inches away from the stupid seat, I wriggle around more, still kicking my legs this time dropping Leo and Daisy in the process. I start to hit his arms wanting to be let go, but Xavier easily overpowers me and roughly shoves me in the chair, with me still yelling breathing heavily now kicking the chair in front of me trying to shove his hands away from the buckles. After a few moments, Daddy gives up letting go of the buckles making me smile trying to get out of the seat only to be roughly shoved back in, and my arms pinned down to my thighs with a very angry daddy looking at me.

" If you know what's good for you little girl you will cut this out right now, and let me do up these buckles because I promise if you throw one more fit, I will put you over my knee for everyone to see. I've gone light on you being your first few days but now you know the rules I won't hesitate to show everyone what happens to bratty little girls like you"

He says his voice filled with dominance making me whimper, staring at me intensely almost daring me to test him. He goes to do the buckles again and I don't know what takes over me it's like this anger inside of me that came on when he first put me in the seat. I just wanted to hit something, throw something so as soon as his hands came near me I slapped them causing a loud smacking sound to go through the car and everything went silent so silent that you could hear a pin drop, I regretted it as soon as I did it seeing the look on his face of pure anger and disappointment but before I could even say anything he pulls me out of the seat roughly picking me up, before opening the passenger side door and sitting down before repositioning me, so I'm laid across his lap with my top half in the car and my backside nearly hanging out, my skirt riding up so everyone including daddy could see my white lace panties.

" Daddy-"

I go to say looking up at him but he pushes me down back in his lap.

" What did I say, little girl?"

He questions.

" Daddy please-"
But before I could get anything else out a hard slap was placed on my bottom causing me to cry out.

" I won't repeat myself little girl what did I say"
He says sternly, his hand still on my butt.

" That if I keep throwing tantrums you put me over your knee for everyone to see Daddy"

I say quietly.

" And did you listen"

He says simply.

" No, but-"

I say trying to reason with him only landing another hard slap on my butt causing me to cry out with tears now slowly leaving my eyes.

" And now look at you, bent over daddy's knee crying because you can't handle what you brought on yourself little girl, I think you wanted everyone to see you exposed, you secretly love this "

He says slapping my butt once more causing me to cry out.

" Ten spanks for not listening and then you will be sitting in that seat so we can drive to the park understood"

He says sternly, I say nothing, and nod my head yes.

" Words little girl"

He says simply.

" Yes Daddy"

I say through my tears. He spanked me ten times harshly making me count them out and thank him after each one, and by the fifth one I don't know what came over me but I started to feel this wetness in between my legs, he didn't care he kept going until we get to ten and by then I'm a crying mess. When he's finally finished he picks me up placing me on his lap causing me to wiggle around a bit trying to get comfortable on my now sore tender bottom.

" I sworry daddy"

I cry, he says nothing just places my paci back in my mouth before wrapping his arms around me causing me to snuggle into his chest.

" It's okay baby, you took your punishment so well but please remember I only do the things that I do to keep you safe okay little one?"

He says softly.

" Yes Daddy"

I say muffled through my cries and paci, he holds me in his arms for a bit longer before standing up and placing me on his hip where I hide my face in his neck too embarrassed to look up to see the faces of the guards that saw what just happened. Daddy picks me back up and places me in the seat buckling me in this time, I don't fight it still with a few stray tears running down my cheek as Daddy leans down picking up Daisy and Leo and passing them to me, causing a little smile to spread on my face as I snuggle them close, daddy leans in kissing me on the forehead before jogging around the car into the driver's side looking back at me in the review mirror.

" Okay ready to go baby girl?"

He questions causing me to blush at the pet name. I say nothing just nod my head yes and after a whole lot of commotion we're finally off to the park, where I can't help the anxiety that fills my body knowing I have to face Grayson and Bella, I just hope daddy's right when he says they will forgive me.

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