27. Broken Rules

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Ella's Pov:
Once we finish dress shopping we have time to spare so we decide to get some food before leaving the mall dropping Skyler back at her place, and then making the drive back home. When we get back to Tony he jogs around the car and opens my door not making eye contact with me how odd he didn't seem to have a problem with me this morning did I do something wrong?

" Did I do something wrong?"

I question jumping out of the car and standing in front of Tony who easily towers above me as he looks down at me in confusion.

" What would make you think that?"

He questions still confused.

" This morning, you talked to me and looked at me, and now "

I say gesturing to him still looking anywhere but at me, he says nothing but just looks at me before he bursts out laughing making me even more confused.

" Are you really that blind to see the effect you have on people?"

He questions causing me to shrug my shoulders not knowing what he's talking about.

" Nevermind don't worry you're pretty little head about it,  you will know what I'm talking about when Xavier sees you in that dress, although I didn't say it while we were shopping Xavier did say when I called him about Skyler nothing provocative but I think he will like this one"

He says causing me to giggle.

" I won't tell if you don't tell, I want to keep it a surprise"

I say causing him to smirk.

" Don't worry I won't tell and he'll be surprised that's for sure"

He says the last part under his breath before walking away to go do whatever it is he does. I walk inside carrying my dress, I walk upstairs to our room and look at the time to see it's already 6 pm so I quickly decide to jump in the shower and start getting ready I mean after all beauty takes time. I quickly shower washing myself with vanilla and berry body wash that made me smell like a giant lolly, I wash my hair before getting out of the big shower and wrapping myself in a white fluffy towel. I walk out of the bathroom and go to the vanity that Xavier placed in the room a few days ago, much to my disagreement he filled it with all sorts of makeup and expensive perfumes I couldn't even pronounce the names of. I wanted to wait until the very last minute for the dress because knowing the fact that it was white and knowing my luck I'd probably spill something on it. I grab my hairbrush and start brushing the knots out of my hair, thinking about how to do my makeup, I eventually decide to just go for a natural look with eye shadow a few shades darker than my skin a light tan-brownish colour, with a winged eyeliner just because I love the way the black of the eyeliner makes my greyish blue eyes pop, and add some light pink lipstick that matches my lips natural colour perfectly. I walk back into the bathroom and open the cabinet under the sink where Xavier keeps all my hair stuff for when I'm in little space and he does it for me. I pull out the hair dryer quickly drying my hair before pulling out the curling iron and curling my hair into perfect ringlets. Before walking back into the bedroom giving myself a once over in the mirror and putting up some deodorant and fancy perfume before slipping into my dress looking at the time to see it's right at 7:30 pm. Just as I was wondering where Xavier was my phone lit up with a text from him telling me to meet him downstairs. I quickly get my purse sliding my phone into it before walking out of the bedroom and stopping at the top of the stairs, I take a deep breath calming myself even though my anxious thoughts run wild second guessing my choices and how I look but there's no turning back now. I get halfway down the stairs when Xavier looks up from his phone his eyes meeting mine, looking me up and down like I'm his last meal.

" Well"

I say now standing in front of Xavier as he still looks me up and down slowly biting his lower lip,  making him look even hotter than normal. I start to get nervous when he doesn't say anything and just keeps looking at me but I'm quickly pulled out of my thoughts when he takes a step closer to me roughly grabbing my waist and pulling me even closer so I can feel his warm breath on my neck making my breathing uneven.

" I believe I said nothing provocative little girl, and this right here"

He says starting to kiss my neck causing me to bite my lip suppressing a moan.

" Makes me want to skip this stupid thing altogether and just take you right here right now"

He whispers in my ear causing a shiver to go down my spine before pulling away so our foreheads are resting on one another before looking me in the eyes.

" But I think you would like that too much, and it's too late to get another dress"

He says before smashing our lips together in a passionate kiss causing me to let out a moan as he bites down hard on my lip and his tongue fighting for dominance with my own which he quickly wins, after a few moments he pulls away both of us breathing deeply.

" I think tonight might be fun after all"

He says pulling away and moving his hand down my waist slapping my butt causing me to jump in surprise, before he takes my hand in his own and walks me out to the car, and opens the passenger door for me, jogging around the other side getting in the back seat with me before another man that must work for Xavier starts driving to this ball.

" I have some rules I need you to promise me you will follow, I'm not joking Ella the people attending this event tonight are capable of things you couldn't even imagine"
He says sternly looking over at me and placing his hand on my thigh slowly rubbing circles.

" 1. You are to stay by my side the whole night, 2. No going to the bar or getting a drink without asking me first and  3. Be on your best behaviour and use all of your manners and you will address me as Xavier as it is a business event" 

He says looking at me and waiting for me to answer.

" Okay I understand"

I say quickly, he smiles and kisses me on the cheek before going back to his phone and his stupid work emails back to ignoring me. I know this might sound like I'm being dramatic or maybe it's the brat in me coming out, but even though he reacted in a good way to the dress I wanted more I craved more from him, maybe I just have to do more I mean what is it that Skyler said today to make a man jealous and they will be putty in your hands, something tells me there might be a few broken rules tonight.

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