11. Make Fun Of Me

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Xavier's Pov:

" Okay little one ready for some breakfast"

I say after we're finished getting her ready for the day, she says nothing just turns around on the counter so she's facing me and nods her head making grabby hands at me, causing me to smile. I pick her up placing her on my hip, she wraps her legs around me and leans her head in the crook of my neck as I walk out of the bedroom and downstairs into the kitchen and place her on the island in the middle of the kitchen.

" What do you feel like cutie?"

I question, she sits there thinking for a moment with her tongue poking out to the side of her mouth.

" Yogurt"

She says, but it comes out muffled by her paci.

" How about yogurt and fruit little one"

I say patting her head causing her to smile and nod her head yes. I pick her up off the bench and walk over to the dining room table where there sits a pink highchair which she's looking at in curiosity. I walk over to the highchair and remove the tray with my arm that's not wrapped around her, I place her in the chair buckling her in so she won't fall out before placing the tray back onto the highchair, before walking across into the living room where there is a small basket full of toys for her, I grab a stuffed bunny and one of those wooden beads mazes that is like a little forest it's even in the shape of a tree with small wooden animals at the bottom on a track you can move.  I walk back over to her highchair and place the items in front of her as she's distracted playing with Leo causing me to smile. I walk to the fridge and pull out a tub of vanilla yogurt some blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. I turn around and go into the cabinet where the plates are pulling out a Minnie Mouse dived plate, I place the yogurt in one section and cut up the fruit placing it in the other, as I open the drawer pulling out a Minnie Mouse spoon my phone rings, I look over to my little Ella who is happily playing with Leo and her new bunny making them cuddle and talk to each other in her little world making me happy as I pull out my phone answering it.

" Hello"

I say quickly, as I walk over to Ella removing the toys and placing them on the dining room table before placing the yogurt in front of her causing her to look up at me and smile.

" Xavier"

I make out Grayson's voice.

" Yes Grayson"

I say quickly walking out of the room as Ella starts happily eating her fruit.

" I need a favour"

He says simply causing me to roll my eyes.

" How much?"

I question.

" Not money"

He says quickly.

" Well what spit it out"

I say getting annoyed.

" I know you just got Ella and everything is new but I need someone to watch Bella for a little while, I have to go into the warehouse Ryder just called me and said one of our dealers has stopped giving us the money from the deals and has now gone MIA but Ryder thinks he knows where he is got to pay him a visit and make sure he pays his debt before trying to leave town"

He says simply. I say nothing just thinking about it for a moment, I know this might pull Ella out of little space but at the same time, it might be good for her Grayson got Bella the same way I got Ella so it might be good for her to see I don't want to hurt her and it will be good for her being around another little as well.

" Fine"

I say quickly.

" Thank you I owe you one big time, see you in twenty"

He says before hanging up, I walk back into the kitchen stopping in my tracks as I see Ella her face and the tray of the highchair now covered in yogurt as she has the spoon in her hand about to drop some more.

" Little one would you like some help with your yogurt?"

I question, causing her to smile and nod her head yes, I walk into the kitchen get some paper towel, and wet it before walking over to the messy girl wiping her face clean as well as lifting the plate and wiping the highchair tray, before taking the spoon from her and starting to feed her the rest of her yogurt.

" Okay, cutie I have to tell you something and I need you to listen okay?"

I say, she says nothing just nods her head in understanding before taking another spoonful of yogurt.

" I have a best friend his name is Grayson and he has a little called Bella he needs me to watch her today while he goes to work so you're going to have a little playdate does that sound like fun"

I say and watch the colour drain from her face, I was holding up a spoonful of yogurt and she slapped my hand causing me to drop the food on the floor before pushing her whole plate onto the floor,  starting to wriggle and wanting to get out of the chair, knowing this might have happened I quickly take the tray off the chair before unstrapping her and placing her on my hip, she keeps fussing, as I hand her Leo and her Paci placing in her mouth before walking around the room rocking her whispering sweet nothings until she calmed down.

" What was that about cutie?"

I say gently stroking her hair.

" Make fun of me"

She whispers looking up at me and pouting.

" Little one Bella is exactly like you she is a little and her daddy is Grayson"

I say.

" But what if she doesn't like me, Xavier"

She says causing me to smile at her.

" She'll love you cutie you know why?"

I question causing shake her head no.

" Because you are the most beautiful, perfect little one ever"

I say tickling her sides causing her to giggle loudly as the doorbell rings.

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