14. Rules

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Ella's Pov:

Later in the night, a home doctor came out the maid who was watching over me told me Xavier had asked him to come out to look at my ankle, turns out I didn't sprain it, it's just bruised I kept ice on it all night and kept it elevated just like the doctor told me to and today it's feeling a bit better it's still slightly painful but at least I can put weight on it now I will just be sore for the next few days. I wake up the next day to the sun blinding me through the now-open curtains,  I rub my eyes yawn and stretch my sore and tense muscles from sleeping on the couch. Even though I slept it was restless, I was tossing and turning all night thinking about what Xavier had said and I think I want to try being his little, I mean there had to be a reason why he makes me feel fuzzy in the brain and like there are butterflies in my tummy, as long as I can still see Skyler and Ollie. I stand up off the couch determined to find Xavier to tell him my thoughts. I walk to the kitchen to see no Xavier so I walk upstairs first checking in my room nothing I look across the hall into his bedroom as the door is open and he's not there either so I walk down the hallway to the playroom which was also empty I then notice next to the playroom door there is a white double door that is now open, I quietly peek around the corner to see Xavier sitting at his desk filling out some paperwork. Suddenly I start to panic what if he wants nothing to do with me because of how I acted yesterday what if this is all just some sick trick? I internally groan but then I think of something,  Leo always helps me calm down and makes me feel brave, so I walk back down the hallway into my bedroom to see Leo in the crib I quickly slide my arms through the bars grabbing him holding him tightly to my chest before walking back down the hallway to where Xavier is still sat at his desk. I walk in and he doesn't even notice me standing in front of him, too busy with his work.

" Hi"

I say quietly causing him to look up at me and smile.

" Good morning cutie glad to see you're still here and didn't run for the hills "

He smirks causing me to roll my eyes.

" Well I thought about what you said and um I think I know I know I just"

I try to get out what I want to say but all my words become fumbled together causing me to sigh in frustration. Xavier stands up from his desk and walks over to me picking me placing me on his hip before walking back over to his desk sitting me on his lap and looking me in the eyes.

" Breathe little one"

He says gently brushing the hair from my face causing me to blush before taking a deep breath in. 

" I want to try to be your little"

I say he breaks out in a big goofy grin hugging me tightly and placing kisses all over my cheek causing me to break out into a fit of giggles.

"  You have no idea how happy you've just made me, I promise these two weeks you will see that I do care about you, Ella"

He smiles.

" But"

I say causing him to groan dramatically throwing his head back and causing me to giggle.

" Why"

He says dramatically causing me to giggle more.

" I want something"

I say quickly causing him to sit up looking at me once again.

" Name it it's yours"

He says quickly taking me back in surprise.

" I want to see my friends after everything they've done for me I can't just leave them and they remember you from the club so I can just tell them I liked you and we have been hanging out"

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