42. Kill Me

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Ella's Pov:

I don't know what day or time it is anymore the torture has just mixed into one big never-ending nightmare. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the door being slammed open by one of Xavier's father's goons throwing a plate on the floor and ordering me to eat before slamming the door shut once again, leaving me alone with my thoughts as I lay on the concrete floor shivering curled up in the fetal position wishing this would all just be over and done with, I look at the plate that is on the floor in front of me with some half-assed sandwich on it but I don't make a move for it I just roll over facing the wall behind me. I have been refusing to eat for the last twenty-four hours not like they care they want me to die anyway right, one of the worst things about this whole thing has to be being constantly left alone with my thoughts slowly pushing me to insanity, one thing did become clear being here though that constant mind fog I always have around Xavier that constant need, to give in to any of his wishes is slowly fading away, it's almost worse as it makes me question if my feelings for him are true or am I just a pathetic little girl as Xavier's father has told me many times, and made up this fantasy love story with the man who originally kidnapped me. I hear the door slam open once again before it slams shut and hear someone's heavy footsteps come into the room but I can't be bothered to move, probably just someone to give me my daily dose of torture. Since I've been here they've beaten me until I've blacked out, burnt me, cut me, and mentally broken me to the point where I don't know if I have any fight left in me.

" You have to eat something"

I hear Tony sigh from behind me. I say nothing just continue laying here.

" You're not worth anything to us dead you know"

He tries again causing me to sit up groaning in pain.

" Why do you care what happens to me"

I whisper, causing him to finally look at me. I must look like a mess they haven't let me shower or out of this room since being here my clothes are dirty and ripped, black dirt is caked to my skin and my hair is matted together in one big knot and they simply put a bucket in the room for me to do my business.

" Honest answer?"

He sighs. I say nothing just nod my head yes.

" I don't but Xavier is only going to work with us if you're alive, if you're dead then what do we have to bargain with it will be an all-out war"

He says causing me to scoff.

" You're joking right?"

I laugh loudly making him look at me as if I have lost my mind.

" No, I'm not joking"

He says confusedly.

" If you need me alive so bad why the fuck are you people beating and torturing me what do you have to gain from causing me so much pain if I'm just you're stupid barging chip"

I yell not being able to contain my anger.

" That wasn't my idea it was Xavier's father's idea he thinks you will tell us information that we don't already know like other safe houses they may go to, how many men they have, how many guns they have things like that"

He says honestly.

" You and I both know I don't know anything about that"

I say anger still lacing my voice.

" I know and I have told him this but he is a man who does things his way or the highway no matter what you tell him"

He shrugs.

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