23. Gone

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Xavier's Pov:

" Whipped already I see"

Ryder teases causing me to elbow him in the ribs, making him lean over in pain causing me to smirk as we sit down at the picnic table only a few short steps from where Ella and Bella stood talking in front of the play gym. I'm glad Bella decided to forgive her and I'm proud of her even though she was terrified she still apologized to Grayson and Bella.

" Now did the British get the message about who's in charge around here?"

I question looking over at Ryder talking about the debt that still has to be paid by them.

" Yeah we went to their hideout and trashed the place and killed some people who thought they had a chance in hell against us"

Ryder says smugly about to say more but Grayson quickly cuts him off.

" And torturing a few people to get some information"

Grayson says honestly.

" So I'm guessing I was right when I said they skipped town bunch of pussy's"

I scoff.

" Yeah, but it's okay you know we have a way with words"

Ryder says making me laugh.

" That's what we're calling it now?"

I laugh.

" It is when a little someone is running over here"

He says, causing me to look over to see Ella running over to where we are sitting.

" You're welcome"

Ryder says causing me to roll my eyes. I would never tell him this but I was thankful I mean Ella knows that I am the boss of Grayson and Ryder but I haven't exactly told her what I do or the inner workings, she's just started liking me and being comfortable around me the last thing I want is for her to go back to being scared of me.

" Daddy?"
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by her sweet little voice, and look to see that she is now standing in front of the table.

" Yes, cutie?"

I question giving her a little smile.

" I play with Bella but I no want Daisy and Leo get dirty"

She says quietly looking down at her feet shyly. I scooch over on the chair so I'm now sitting right in front of her, I place one hand on her waist rubbing gentle circles, before placing my fingertip under her chin causing her to look up at me instead of at her feet where she has been looking since she came over here, I'm guessing because she's still not 100% comfortable around Grayson and Ryder just yet but I'm hoping with time she will warm to them.

" Would you like me to watch them while you play little one?"

I question, she says nothing just nods her head, yes giving me her cute little puppy dog eyes that would make anyone cave. I say nothing just remove my hands from her causing her to pout and making me smirk knowing she missed my touch, before holding my hand out while she passes me Leo and Daisy and I gently place them on the table.

" I will take good care of them promise"

I say kissing her cheek causing her to smile before she runs off back to Bella. I turn around to see my two best friends looking at me and smiling like idiots.

" Shut up"

I say simply causing Grayson to laugh as I move back to where I was sitting in the middle of the bench.

" As I was saying after pretty much beating the life out of two of the men, there that everyone said was in charge of the warehouse we have three hideout locations that we're going to get some men and go check out in the next few days"

Ryder says finishing updating me. I say nothing and just nod my head, as I look over to the play gym at the sound of Ella giggling as she goes down the slide she and Bella run back up the play gym before deciding to go down together making her giggle more.

" Are you taking her to the ball?"

Grayson questions pulling me out of my thoughts. I haven't thought about that I was informed two days ago that my parents have decided to throw a ball with my father inviting a rival mafia in hopes of some new alliance, I tried to get out of it but according to my father it would be better if we presented with a strong family front which made me laugh, it's not like we've ever really acted like a real family. I know I was only conceived cause my father couldn't bear to let my older sister take over the family business, so when they found out they were having me it was my father's mission to breed someone just like him but worse and as much as I hate to admit it, he succeeded.

" I haven't thought about it"
I shrug causing Grayson to reach over and slap my arm causing me to glare at him.

" And what was that for?"

I glare, causing him to roll his eyes.

"You don't know of course you should take her, make her feel like a princess, and give her the best dam time of her life"

Grayson says like it's the most obvious thing ever. But he and everyone else are also aware of how I get around my father, I'm more on edge, more agitated, I'm distant with everyone and everything, and I know what my father would say if he saw Ella attached to my hip he would yell at me about how I'm not taking this seriously and that Ella is just another useless whore trying to distract me, and I don't want her to face the wrath of my father fuck I didn't even want to be around him most of the time.

" If only it were that easy, you know how I get around my father and you know my father"

I roll my eyes.

" You never know and didn't you say yourself you're in charge now so why do you have to listen to him"

Ryder says quickly, causing me to glare at the two.

"I do know because it's the same thing every time, and yes I did say that because I got where I am today because of me and no one else, and right now I call all the shots he only pops up again when he wants to remind people he's still in charge and one of those people include me"

I say feeling myself losing my temper. They start to say more but I just tune them out knowing whatever they say will only piss me off more, so I look over to play gym to find the only blonde-haired girl who seems to calm me down. I see they're no longer in the play gym, I look over at the swings and still don't see them causing a bit of panic to arise in me but I shrug it off.

" Xavier"

Ryder says loudly pulling me out of my thoughts.

" What"

I snap causing them to jump in surprise.

" What's wrong?"
Grayson questions.

" Can you see them?"
I question, I scan the whole play area in front of us but I don't see either one of them.

" No what the fuck?"

Grayson says the panic now starting in him as well, all three of us stand up and start walking around we only turn away for a few minutes they have to be around here somewhere right?

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