19. Stupid

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Ella's Pov:

" You're still being punished for that attitude and throwing a tantrum"

He says smirking. I feel a surge of confidence go through me so I lean down closer so our faces are only inches apart once more and look at him with the most innocent eyes I can muster up.

" What are you going to do kiss me again, or bend me over your knee"

I say sweetly causing his eyes to turn dark and fill with lust with that look,  alone I could already feel tingling between my thighs, as he leans in more so our noses are touching causing my breathing to hitch.

" I have a better idea"

He says dominantly pulling me in for another steamy kiss that I instantly melt into, his arms are still firmly wrapped around my waist so I quickly wrap my legs around his waist he picks me up with ease as his kisses move from my lips down my neck biting and sucking causing me to let out an involuntary moan. Suddenly everything stops and I'm being placed on the ground causing me to pout as I look up to see Xavier or should I say daddy now, with a shit-eating grin on his face before turning me around and making me face the wall making me even more confused.

" I think a timeout will do, no moving or talking you cannot sit down you have to stand and look at the wall and if you move the ten minutes will start all over again"

He says causing me to pout, he can't just kiss me like he's done two times now and make me feel and think all these crazy things then just leave me here staring at a fucking wall.

" But-"
I huff in frustration.

" Oh would you look at that it starts again"

He says still behind me and I could hear that shit-eating grin on his stupid face.

" Maybe if you were a good girl Daddy would have happily treated you like the needy little slut you're acting like"

He whispers in my ear causing a shiver to go down my spine as I feel the wetness between my legs causing me to squeeze my thighs together.

" See like I said needly little slut"

He says again before I hear him start to walk away. Stupid daddy with his stupid teasing and his stupid timeouts.

It feels like I've been standing here for an eternity looking at this stupid wall

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It feels like I've been standing here for an eternity looking at this stupid wall. I can't wait until he comes over here I'm going to tell him how stupid he is and how he should be the one in stupid time out. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Daddy's hand on my shoulder turning me around.

" Now little girl do you know why you were put into timeout"

He says looking at me disappointed and I feel my little self starting to break, you see I've always seen my little self as another person I know I'm crazy but normal me and little me are very different people, little me is clingy, carefree, wants to make everyone happy and lives to please her daddy whereas big me, meaning me not in little space could give two shits what anyone else thinks about me and am far from carefree my anxiety may as well eat me alive with all the overthinking I do, and I may or may not be very bratty. So back to my point seeing Xavier look at me in disappointment is just making me want to break down into tears and tell him how sorry I am, while big me would like to kick him in the nuts, again you don't have to tell me I know I'm out of my mind crazy.

" Baby?"

Daddy questions pulling me out of my thoughts, only luring my little side out more with all these dammed nicknames.

" Yes"

I say quietly, still having an internal battle with myself.

" Can you tell me why you got a time out little one?"

He questions, I say nothing and just shake my head no feeling myself slowly slipping into little space and the tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

" Well I guess you need another ten minutes then princess"

He sighs looking at me with that disappointed look once again, and I couldn't fight it anymore as the tears fell from my eyes and my brain slipped into little space.

" I gave you a chance little one, you can't cry now because you continue to be a brat"

He says using a dominating voice only causing me to cry more, looking down at my feet and not being able to look into his eyes.

" I sworry daddy pwease no hate me pwease no leave me daddy I sworry I promise I be good girl I wont be bad girl and make daddy sad again"

I say full-on sobbing now, and not that cute sobbing either, I'm talking runny nose, hiccupping, and tears all over your face crying.

" Come here, baby"

He says gently, but I shake my head no still crying my eyes out. I let out a noise of surprise as Daddy picks me up placing me on his hip causing me to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist hiding my face in the crook of his neck,  ruining his shirt leaving tears and snot everywhere.

" Hey it's okay little one breathe, I don't hate you and I'm not going to leave you, especially after I just made you officially mine "

He says causing me to move away from him placing one hand on his chest and the other rubbing my eyes trying to wipe away the tears that keep falling thankfully his comforting words make the sobbing stop,  now I'm just crying and hiccuping every so often trying to regain control of my breathing and my emotions.

" Rweally?"

I hiccup as he gently rocks me back and forth in his arms.

" Really little one and I'm not mad at you either or sad okay you took your punishment so well"

He says still gently rocking me as he places a gentle kiss on my lips and walks over to the little side table next to the couch opens the drawer and pulls out a pink Paci and holds it to my lips causing me to happily open my mouth and start sucking on it wanting all the comfort I could get right now,  before laying back on daddy's chest as he slowly rocks me back and forth whispering sweet nothings in my ear for a few moments until I'm fully calmed down and start yawning, I go to rub my eyes but daddy grabs my arm stopping me.

" I know you're tired princess but you shouldn't wipe your eyes you will make them sore and puffy tomorrow" 

He says gently running his fingers through my hair with the arm that's not holding me.

" Okay let's have some yummy dinner a nice hot bath get you all nice and comfy in some pyjamas and get you to bed"

He says as I look up at him my chin still on his chest causing him to smile.

" You stay with me, Daddy?"

I question but it comes out muffled around the paci still in my mouth.

" I will always stay with you little one"

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