15. Distraction

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Xavier's Pov:

" Fine"

I roll my eyes standing up and picking her up with me placing her on my hip. I was honestly shocked when she came into my office this morning all adorable rubbing her eyes holding Leo in her hands and choosing to stay and give me a chance, after everything that happened yesterday I thought for sure I had lost her for good. I still don't like the idea of her calling her two so-called friends, but I mean if that's all she wants I guess for her I can try and make it work but I'm not going to keep my mouth shut if they treat her like dirt or leave her somewhere like they did in my club the night we met.

" I can walk you know"

Ella says matter of factly looking up at me. 

" Yes but only big girls walk little cute princesses get to be carried"

I smile booping her on the noise making her giggle as I walk into the kitchen.

" I help"

She says, and I can tell by her now high-pitched small voice as well as wide eyes that she has slipped into her little space, causing me to smile.

" Of course, you can help little one,  now what would you like for breakfast?"

I question placing her on the counter in front of me before moving and standing in between her legs.

" Chocolate"

She says quickly giving me her best puppy dog eyes and smiling at me sweetly, I say nothing just shake my head no.

" Chocolate is not breakfast food cutie"

I say causing her to pout and cross her arms over her chest.

" Then I don't want it"

She says glaring at me arms still crossed over her chest. Looks as if my sweet little Ella can be a bit of a brat when she wants to be. I raise my eyebrows at her but she stands her ground causing me to smirk now this could be fun, I say nothing just take her chin between my two fingers making her look me in the eyes.

" I'm sorry did I hear someone talking back, because you know I think I warned you what would happen if you broke another rule little girl"

I say dominantly causing her to whimper.

" So are you going to be a good girl or do I have to put you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours"

I say causing her to pout.

" I good gwirl"

She says quickly causing me to smile and gently pat the top of her head.

" That's right cutie"
I say quickly causing her to blush.

" What about cereal?"

I question.

" Yucky"

She says shaking her head no making a disgusted face and making me laugh.

"What's wrong with cereal?"
I question.

" Yucky"
She repeats once more.

" Okay noted Ella doesn't do cereal"
I laugh.

" That's right and don't you forget it, mister"
She giggles.

" How about toast then?"
I question but she shakes her head no once again.

" Yogurt?"
I question knowing she ate that last time, she thinks for a moment before nodding her head yes. I walk over to the fridge and get out the tub of yogurt before turning to the cabinet just in front of Ella grabbing a light pink bowl before placing the items beside Ella on the counter.

" I pawr it?"

She questions, I say nothing just nod my head yes, quickly removing the lid off the yogurt before taking her hands and placing it on the sides of the container before placing my hands over the top of hers guiding it to where the bowl is helping her pour it in.

"  I do it"
She says excitedly doing a little happy dance, causing me to smile.

" You did great little one"
I say encouragingly and kiss her cheek causing her to blush bright red. I put the yogurt back in the fridge and then get a light pink spoon out of the drawer before walking over to Ella picking her up and placing her on my hip, before walking over to the table placing her on my lap, and the bowl of yogurt in front of us. I thought to just save me the trouble of cleaning up the mess she made last time I would just feed her myself.

" Why no chair?"
She questions looking back at me.

" Cause you're messy, so I'm going to help you so we can get dressed and do whatever you want for the day"

I say quickly. I put some yogurt on the spoon feeding it to her which she happily takes, I feed her the rest of the bowl of yogurt before picking her up placing the bowl in the sink, wiping her face walking upstairs into her room, and placing her feet on the ground causing her to pout.

" What happened to princesses who don't walk"
She whines causing me to laugh.

" Hold on cutie we have to choose what you're going to wear today"

I say quickly.

" Do you want to be comfy today because we're not going anywhere"

I say looking over to her, to see her looking me up and down so deeply in her thoughts and checking me out not even noticing I'm talking to her causing me to laugh once more, which causes her to break out of her trance blushing as bright as a tomato.

" It's okay you can look"

I tease making her blush bright red and start to fiddle with her hands and fingers.

" Sworry what you say?"

She questions still looking down and playing with her hands and fingers.

" I said we're not going anywhere today so would you like to wear something comfy?"

I question once more.

" Yes pwease"

She says smiling. I go into her closet pulling out one of her onesies, which is pink and white and has bears and bottles covering it, and a pair of thigh-high fluffy white socks that have a little lamb face on them. I walk back into her room causing her to look up at me holding Leo now tightly to her chest, I say nothing just holding up the outfit and causing her to jump up and down excitedly.

" Okay I will wait outside for you to get dressed"

I say leaving the clothes on the rocking chair before walking out of the room, after about ten minutes I start to get worried, so I turn and knock on the door.

" You okay cutie?"

I question, I hear some shuffling, and then the door opens to see a pouting Ella.

" I hate it"

She says looking down at herself poking her cute belly,  I say nothing just pick her up placing her on my hip, she tries to wiggle out of my hold but I overpower her easily.

" Stop I too heavy I hurt you"

She says hiding her face behind Leo.

" Look at me"

I say sternly, I give her five seconds but she's still hiding her face so I take Leo with my other hand causing her to look up at me sadly.

" One, you are beautiful and you look adorable, two you are not too heavy for me trust me now what do you say to a Disney movie day with snuggles and snacks"

I say, kissing her on the cheek causing her to smile and blush before nodding her head yes. I sigh in relief knowing she's happy and hasn't remembered wanting to call her friends, before walking into the living room where the maids have made us a fort over the TV as requested. I place Ella down as she looks at it in amazement before crawling inside, with me following behind her, I lay down on one of the many cushions up against the couch and she goes straight to the toys playing with a stuffed bunny and Leo as I turn on Winnie The Pooh causing her to smile, now hopefully I can distract her enough not to think of those friends of hers.

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