10. Pretty

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Xavier's Pov:

I wake up yawning and stretching before rolling over to see my alarm clock to see it's already nine in the morning. I reach over to the baby monitor to see if Ella is awake, and to my surprise, she is just sitting in her crib talking to Leo the paci I placed in her mouth last night before putting her to sleep still there. After a few hours of comforting Ella in her rocking chair last night she eventually just fell asleep in my arms, overcome with exhaustion from everything that had happened. I get up out of bed still wearing the same sweatpants from the night, I open my door and walk across the hallway gently opening Ella's door not wanting to scare her but, she looks up at me from her crib her beautiful grey eyes swimming with curiosity, before turning away and starting to whisper things in Leo's ear again. I say nothing and just walk over to her closet, I defiantly wasn't expecting this, I was expecting her to be scared or angry and even try to run away the only way this would make sense is if she had fallen deep into her little space involuntarily to deal with everything going on around her. I look through her clothes trying to decide on an outfit for the day, before finally grabbing a white tennis skirt with pink bows on it and a unicorn onesie. Once grabbing the clothes I walk out of the closet gently placing the clothes onto the rocking chair before finally walking over to the crib and staring down at my little Ella happily playing with Leo.

" Good morning cutie"

I say gently causing a smile to spread across her face, causing me to sigh in relief knowing she wasn't going to be angry or scared of me, conforming my thoughts about her falling deep into her little space. The only bad side to this is when she becomes big again she might not remember anything that I do and go back to being scared and angry.

" Who you"

She giggles the plain white paci still in her mouth, I say nothing just gently take the bars of the crib down pick her up, and place her onto my hip.

" You know I am truly hurt you don't remember me little one"

I say fake crying causing her to giggle more making my heart melt.

" I sworry"

She says pouting.

" It's okay cutie I was just teasing I'm Xavier do you remember me?"

I say smiling, she looks as if she's deep in thought before suddenly wrapping her arms around me hugging me tightly causing me to laugh.

" Okay little one you're choking me"

I chuckle causing her to giggle before letting go of her tight grip around my neck.

" Of course I member you silly,  you make me feel better when I sad in da club"

She says happily.

" That's right little one"

I say gently kissing her forehead causing her to blush.

" Were am I dough I no member this place?"

She questions tilting her head to the side in confusion.

" You're at my house for a sleepover is that okay cutie?"

I say not wanting to tell her the truth and throw her out of her little space when she's not ready. You see little space can be a defence mechanism used to protect whoever the individual may be from experiencing, any stress or trauma that may be happening around them or to them, for example being kidnapped by the mafia, so I don't want to just throw her in the deep end when she's not ready to have that talk yet or deal with those emotions. I don't want to lose her because the moment I saw Ella I had a soft spot for her and knew I wanted her to be mine, and yes I know I'm the leader of a mafia I shouldn't let my emotions get the best of me and show my enemy's that I now have a weakness that weakness being her but I just couldn't stop myself.

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