Chapter Four ~ Crowds

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Ell had never been good with crowds.

Following yet another night of sleeplessness, but this time due to nightmares about her past, Ell got up again at five am, and forced herself to get ready for the day ahead.

As she made her wag down towards the garden to tend to it before working on everything else, she quickly realised that the crowd form the other day was back again in the lobby, only this time it was even bigger than before.

The guests they had really must have been bigger than ever before. She thought to herself as she inwardly gulped.

How was she going to get through that?! She panicked.

If she didn't get to her work quickly, she risked getting reprimanded or even fired and that simply wasn't something that could happen right than as Ell's uncle would be very cross with her since she still needed to pay off her parents debt.

So she simply had to do it, no matter how much it scared her.

Ell began to nudge her way through little by little, apologising profusely to the people she bumped into along the way, in the thickness of the crowd, she had thought she'd been moving towards the garden where she worked, but when she realised with dread that she had instead made her way towards the front of the crowd, she panicked.

She was officially lost and had no idea how to get out of this mess. Now that she was at the front of the crowd she was trapped with nowhere to go, and by the time she did manage to get to the garden she'd probably already be fired.

Ell's breath began to pick up its pace as she tried to calm herself down but couldn't. There where just so many people she didn't know and she was lost and alone and scared.

Ell looked around desperately for a way out of her situation, until she locked eyes with none other than the woman she had met the other day. Upon seeing the look of alarm on ELL's face, the woman began to make her way disown the stairs towards her, and as she was doing so Ell began to feel the world around her move with the crowd. She tried to catch her breath and looked frantically around her once more, hoping to find Alexandria, but when she didn't she swayed on the spot, and before she could stop herself or hold onto something, everything had already gone black.

"Ell?" Alex called out through the crowd, her body guards doing their best to disperse it as she searched for the girl she was looking so desperately for.

When she had caught her eye on the crowd, Ell had looked like a deer caught in headlights. She had looked scared and panicked and Alex knew that she had to help her. She ran towards the crowd looking for her but when she suddenly lost sight of the girl, she began to panic. Finally when she saw a small bit of blonde hair in the middle of the crowd she screamed for them to let her by, and when she concluded that it was indeed the small girl she had first met in the grand hotels garden, she immediately picked her up and made her way out of the crowd.

"I'm going to take her to my room, Steven, send up a doctor would you?" She said to her main body guard, who nodded seriously as she carried the young woman away from the crowd.

As she made her way up to her room, walked in with one of her body guards opened the door, and gently placed the girl onto her bed, she looked at her in concern.

It was kind of Alex's own fault that she had been caught in the crowd. She was, after all, what they had been looking at and hoping to interview her. Being the next in line for the thrown of her small country caused quite the ruckus whenever she travelled somewhere abroad.

She only hoped that Ell was ok. She had after all saved her sisters life, so making sure she was ok was quite literally the least Alex could do to repay her. Besides, ever since she'd caught the girl in her arms when she had first met her in the grand hotels garden, she had been entranced with her cuteness and had wanted nothing more than to see her again ever since.

The more she saw her, the cuter she seamed to get as Alex seamed to be able to constantly cause her to blush. Her eyes where a light hazel and her hair was blonde and always styled in these adorable short plaits that Alex found herself wanting to cue over. She was short and tiny, and the uniform she wore for her job hugged her perfectly.

Alex had admittedly rather enjoyed their meetings and she wanted to get to know her more.

When there was a sudden knock on her door, Alex jumped up to greet her body guard who was followed by a doctor who looked around the room and followed Alex towards the girl sleeping on the bed.

"Alright, so what happened exactly." She said as she set to work checking Ell's vitals.

"She got caught in a crowd and I think she either had a panic attack and fainted or got hurt by someone."

Alex explained, her voice filled with concern for the girl.

"I see." The doctor replied as she ran her light past Ell's eyes before turning back to look at Alex.

"Alright, we'll she appears to be fine. Just unconscious at the moment and she will probably wake up soon. It's important that she has this medication twice daily and keeps up her fluids."

Than, with the doctor looking at Alex's body guards in trepidation, Alex's asked them to wait outside as the doctor stood and looked at her seriously.

"Now I just also wanted to point out that the girl seams to be genuinely exhausted. More so than what I would consider to be normal. You may want to check in with her when she wakes up and if she needs any assistance mental health wise, we can provide some referrals."

Alex nodded grimly as she thanked the doctor, tipped her generously and sent her on her way.

Ell was exhausted... she thought to herself as she wondered why she was in such a state. Was it her work? Where they overworking her at the hotel? Or was it something else? Either way, after how concerned the doctor had been, Alex was determined to find out.

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