Chapter Twenty-Two: Roses

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A few mornings later, Ell woke up excited for the day ahead of her. She'd been invited to watch Alex in the annual fencing competition that was held in the castle grounds and she couldn't wait to cheer her on.

At first Ell had no clue what she should wear to such an event, but deciding on something semi-formal she put on a soft white dress with and her favourite light blue cardigan. Under this she wore her knit leggings and some light pink ballet flats.

She decided upon her usual makeup, blush mascara and light pink eyeshadow, and of course she wore her locket which she virtually never took off.

She let her hair fall mostly out but kept it back a little with it tied in a small ringlet at the back with a bow that matched her dress.

She had been asked to sit with the royal family while watching the show once they had gotten there she couldn't help but to blush when she noticed Alex waved at them from the field.

"Alright, positions." The person who appeared to be running and supervising the match called out as Alex got into position and looked her opponent dead on.

Ell and Alex's family watched with baited breath as the match began. The whole time Ell couldn't seam to tear her eyes away from Alex, anxiously putting her hands on her face when things got intense and clapping whenever she won.

Ell had thought already that Alex must be really good at fencing, but the competition that day proved just how amazing she was. She had won almost every single match, and her sportswomanship was amazing as she always helped the other girl back up and made sure that she was ok. Ell had to admit that she felt her heart grow a little sad at that, wondering if Alex liked anyone of them and wanted more than friendship, but her heart also aches for her when she realised just how kind she could be.

The butterflies in her stomach turned into birds when Alex accepted the bouquet of roses and immediately came over to the seats to give them to Ell. She blushed furiously as she looked down shyly at the flowers and her cheeks near exploded when Alex winked at her before she headed back to the field.

Did she know the affect she was having on her? Did she like her as more than a friend or was she just being kind?

These where the thoughts that raced through Ell's head the whole rest of the day, Rose calling her out for it when they where in the gardens later on and Ell had well and truly zoned out.

"What you thinking about?" She asked and Ell shook her head as she came too and gave Rose a small smile.

"Oh, nothing much just..."  she said, trying to think of what to say.

"Just thinking about a girl?" She asked and Ell blushed.

"M-Maybe." She said as she looked shyly down at the book she hadn't even been reading.

"And would that girl by any chance, be my sister?" She asked, and Ell looked at her in surprise. How had she been able to tell?

"I-I don't know what your talking about?" Ell said, her voice going high as her cheeks went furiously red and Rose laughed at her.

"Your kidding right? It's sooo obvious."

Ell blushed even more at that as her eyes grew wide.

"Really? Do you think she knows?" She asked her and Rose chuckled.

"I think you both know but at too scared to find out for sure." She said conclusively, Ell marvelling at her sudden wisdom.

"That may be true, but I'm not sure if Alex really likes me like that or if it's just friendship she is looking for." She said and Rose laughed again.

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