Chapter Twenty ~ Cookies

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It was the very next morning when Ell woke up and realised that she'd accidentally fallen asleep on her friend... in her bed.

Wait, she'd fallen asleep on Alex in her bed on top of her?!

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Alex said sleepily as she yawned and sat up.

Ell quickly jumped off her lap, blushing furiously as she looked down at her hands.

"Oh m-my goodness I'm s-so sorry." She said and Alex chuckled.

"Nothing to be sorry about, your welcome to sleep with me anytime." She said flashing her a grin as Ell became even more flustered.

Alex chuckled as she went to check her phone having heard it buzz a few times since last night. She frowned at a text from her mother and looked over at Ell with a smile.

"So mum needs to pay you but doesn't have your bank details, mind letting me know what they are so I can tell her?" Alex asked feeling excited about the fact that Ell was finally going to have a better job than the last, but when Ell's face grew pale she frowned. She'd thought she'd be excited too.

"I-I..." she tried as she blushed furiously once again.

"I don't have any bank details..." she finally muttered sounding ashamed. Alex rose a brow in surprise.

"But how did you get paid for the last job?" She asked, as Ell continued to look at anywhere but Alex.

"Well m-my uncle took the funds for the debt and gave me what was left over for food.."

Alex felt her heart race as anger clouded her mind.

"And how much exactly was left over for food?" She asked, not having meant to sound angry, but it had just come out like that due to how horrible her uncle had treated her.

"A-Around fifty dollars usually." Ell managed as her cheeks coloured impossibly redder.

"Per week?" Alex asked, trying to make her voice sound more sympathetic but it was hard when all she wanted to do was fly back to the hotel just so that she could punch her uncle in his face.

"P-Per fought-night." She finally said to which Alex clenched her fists and had to take a few deep breathes to try and calm herself down.

"I'm sorry that you went through that. You didn't deserve such terrible treatment." Alex finally managed.

"But It's ok, we'll get it all set up for you on your phone and I can teach you how to use it." She said, hoping her voice sounded softer now that she'd been able to calm down a little more.

But when more tears slid downs Ell's cheeks she was quick to cup her face as she lifted her chin up to look at her.

"Oh Ell I'm so sorry if I sounded mad. I'm not mad at you I promise I'm just really mad at your uncle for treating you so horribly." Ell shook her head as she hiccuped.

"Than what's wrong?" She asked in concern as she wiped the tears away.

"I-Im being such a pain I'm s-so sorry." She said in between soft sobs as Alex pulled her into her arms and soothed her.

"You are never a pain Ell I promise."

When Ell had calmed down a little and pulled back, she rubbed at her eyes and bit her lip shyly.

"But I... I kind of don't..." she tried, and than with a small sigh she finally managed.

"I don't have a phone."

Alex's eyes grew wide as she looked at Ell in shock. Of course she didn't have a phone, Alex shouldn't have assumed that she had one with all that she'd been through, but she had to make sure to fix that because if she was ever in trouble she wouldn't be able to call for help without one.

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