Chapter Twenty-Four: Balls

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The morning of the Christmas Eve ball, Ell woke up once again finding herself curled up on Alex's lap. She blushed furiously as she pulled the blanket back over Alex and quietly snuck out of the room having to hold a hand to her heart as her stomach once again filled with those ever familiar butterflies.

"No Ell. You can't hope remember? Hoping leads to pain and pain leads to... heartbreak."

She chidded herself as she went to her room to get ready for the day.

She had a plan that day to visit the castle gardener to thank him for his help with the floors of the orphanage and to ask if he had any pink roses she could plant in honour of her parents as this was the anniversary of their deaths.

It was a hard day for Ell and she couldn't help but to fight back tears as she paid him a visit. He was more than willing to help and as Ell planted the rose she said a prayer for her parents and hoped that they might have heard it.

The next thing Ell did was finally get up the courage to text her uncle asking where she should pay him her debt, as she certainly hadn't forgotten, she'd just struggled to actually communicate with him when it hurt her so much to do so.

"Good morning uncle. I'm so sorry I haven't been in contact yet and I hope that you are well! I've found a job now and I'd like to continue paying you what I owe, where should I transfer the funds?

With love,


He'd swiftly replied but only with the bsb and account number for the payment. Ell sighed sadly. She didn't know what she'd been expecting, after all he'd always been like that, but still Ell couldn't help but to hope that maybe one day that could change.

By the time Ell had taken Rose to lunch and her afternoon lessons it was nearing the time of the ball already and Ell had to start getting ready.

She put her dress on, sprayed some vanilla scented perfume, the one her mother had always worn which had always made her smell like a bakery, and allowed her hair to hang loose with just two of the strands tied back in a princess-like style.

She put on some light pink eyeshadow and pastel pink lipgloss with just a hint of blush, and she was ready as she'd ever be to go to the ball with Alex.

When there was a sudden knock on her door Ell jumped up and shyly opened it.

Alex stood there, her mouth wide open as she stared at Ell and Ell blushed.

"Y-You look." She struggled to find the words.

"like the fairest in all the land." She finally settled on with a bow and a blush colouring her  own cheeks.

Ell blushed furiously as she bit her lip and curtseyed back gracefully.

"Shall we m'lady?" Alex asked as she offered her arm and Ell shyly accepted it with a smile.

"We shall." She said softly as Alex guided her down the hallway.

Alex was beautiful that night and more than a little bit hot. Ell felt that she might just swoon on the spot if she continued her shy glances towards her. She had opted for a suit over a dress, a white one that hugged her curves and complimented her physique perfectly.

Ell was stunned by her beauty and she had to hold her heart with her hand so as to steady herself from the thrill of it.

"Like what you see?" Alex suddenly, rather confidently asked, causing ELL's cheeks to burn brighter at having been caught out.

"I-I." She tried but when they entered the ball room, Steven calling out their names to the guests, they where interrupted by the sudden noise of the crowd.

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