Chapter Fourteen ~ Clothes

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When Ell woke up at first she didn't know where she was. She looked around the room in awe as she quickly realised that she was in Alex's home. She rubbed at her eyes as she stretched and yawned and lifted the blankets off as she climbed out of the luxurious bed.

She hadn't sleep so well in ages and she was beyond grateful that she finally could.

She sighed happily as she walked up to the window bay and sat on the seat looking out through the window with wonder in her eyes.

The view was amazing. Ell could just make out the castle grounds and beyond that the woods that surrounded them. She had never been somewhere quite as storybook as this and Ell couldn't help but to squeal in delight.

When there was a sudden knock at her door, Ell jumped in fright and gave a little squeezing sound as she fell off the window bay.

"Ell, are you ok? I heard a squeak." Alex asked in concern from behind the door.

"Can I come in?" She asked and Ell nodded but when she realised she couldn't see her, she put her hands to her face in embarrassment.

"Y-Yes." She said as she tried to get her bearings.

Alex opened the door when when she saw Ell on the floor she walked up to her.

"Are you ok? I thought I heard something." She said as she looked at her with her eyes full of concern.

Ell nodded as she rubbed at her head that she'd bumped a little when she had fallen down. Alex smiled as she offered her a hand up, and once Ell had accepted it she blushed as she looked into her eyes and looked away.

"So I was thinking today we should grab you some clothes. As much as I don't mind you wearing mine at all, I figured you'd want some of your own as well." She said as her eyes ran down Ell's body that was sill covered in her oversized sweater.

Ell bit her lip and shook her head.

"I-I don't want to impose. Especially since you'd already helped me so much and I really don't want to burden you." She replied softly as she held onto her arm and looked down.

Alex gently lifted up her chin to look into her eyes, her breath catching when Ell's own doe like ones blinked back at her full of innocence and light.

"You are never a burden Ell, I promise." She replied as she gave her a warm smile and held out the hand that Ell was becoming so accustomed to holding that she never wanted to let go.

"There's this little village right near here that I'd love to take you to today, if that's ok?" She asked and Ell shyly nodded as she followed along.

Ell followed Alex out of the castle and into a car that was waiting for them and when they pulled away she couldn't help but to marvel at the scenery that passed them by.

"It's beautiful right?" Alex asked, her eyes transfixed on Ell. Ell nodded shyly as she looked back at her with a smile.

"Are we somewhere in Europe?" She asked, looking back out at the rolling hills and forests that passed them by.

"Yes we're very close to Norway actually." Alex explained as Ell nodded in thought. She'd never been anywhere so far away before, she couldn't help but to feel excited butterfly's fly around her stomach.

"Here we are." Alex said as the car pulled up and she got out to open Ell's door.

As soon as the cold air greeted her, Ell's eyes were everywhere. The village was adorable. It had little cottage-style houses that looked like they where built long ago and cobble-stone pathways that winded through the streets. Their where little bunting flags handing up on the street lamps and flowers adoring the window sills. It was the literally definition of a fairytale village and Ell felt like she'd just stepped into a fairytale herself.

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