Chapter Nine ~ Trees

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Ell had been scolded again by her boss and uncle about missing her work that day. She had even been warned that if there was so much as one more incident she would be fired than and there. Ell had been stressed out of her mind ever since and had been working harder than ever since than as well, it was no wonder that she was tired than ever before, but she always found a way to keep going.

Ell sighed as she finished her shift for the day, hoping that she could at least get in a good nights sleep before work started again in the morning, but just as she was about to head back to her basement for the night, something or rather someone stopped her.

"Hi Ell."

Ell spun around on the spot to find Alex looking at her with a warm smile. She had her usual leather jacket on, a cowl neck sweater underneath and a beanie.

"How are you?" She asked as she finished her walk down the stairs and stopped next to her.

"I-I'm well thank you, how are you?" Ell asked, remembering only just now that she'd forgotten to return the clothes she'd leant her the other day and making a note to herself to get that done the next day.

"I'm good thank you, I was just about to go for a walk actually, would you like to join me?"

Ell knew that she should say no, what with her been so dang exhausted, but there was something about Alex that made her want to say yes to anything she asked. So she shyly nodded and followed along.

"So where are we going?" Ell shyly asked as she followed Alex's lead.

"It's a surprise." She said as she offered her hand to Ell, and Ell, with a blush took the offer.

Her hand was warm and Ell's fit just perfectly in it, as if they had been made to fit together and Ell couldn't help but to shiver at the feeling of the tingles the touch had caused.

Alex suddenly stopped in her tracks as she turned to look at Ell in concern.

"Are you cold?" She asked, to which Ell shyly shook her head, but when Alex looked at her hotel uniform which consisted of nothing but a dress and an apron, Ell blushed.

So maybe she was a little cold.

"Well, I'd still feel better if you'd at least wear my jacket." She said as she shrugged the coat off and placed it around Ell's shoulders.

"There, much better."

Ell's cheeks grew ever redder as they re-joined their hands and continued their walk.

When they had reached their destination, Ell looked up in surprise at the largest Christmas tree she had ever seen.

"Do you like hot chocolate?" She asked as Ell gave a shy nod and stood transfixed at the tree.

Alex chuckled as she paid a nearby street vendor and passed Ell a warm take away cup.

"Have you never seen this?" She asked in surprise.

"You work right down the street though?" She added in thought, Ell blushed at that as she continued to stare at the tree.

"I.... I d-don't get out that much." She said as she gave Alex a shy smile.

"Thank you." She said as she relished the drink. This was the kindest thing that anyone had done for her in a very long time.

"It's beautiful." She said in awe as she turned back to look at the lights on the Christmas tree in amazement.

"You certainly are." Alex muttered as she stood transfixed at Ell, the other blushing profusely as she tried to stutter out a response, earning a chuckle form Alex as her cheeks too turned a little red.

"C'mon, their about to sing the Christmas carols!" She said as she took a hold of Ell's hand again and gently pulled her along to one of the seats in the audience that had a good view of the tree and the performers just under it.

By the time the performance had finished, it was nearing ten o'clock and Ell was getting very tired. Alex noticed this and offered to walk her home.

"So where should I take you?" She asked, not knowing where Ell actually lived.

"O-Oh I actually live at the hotel." She said and Alex nodded.

"Have you lived there for long?" She asked as they began their walk back and Ell shook her head.

"Just since I finished high school."

Alex nodded.

"What about your family, do they live there as well?" She asked, hoping that she wasn't being too forward or asking too personal questions.

But Ell gave her a shy smile and shrugged.

"Well, my parents died when I was ten so I live with my uncle now." Alex's eyes grew concerned at that.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Ell I didn't mean to-" but Ell waved her off.

"Please Alex I-it's fine, it was a long time ago."

She said, to which Alex nodded.

"Still, that must have sucked, I'm sorry." She said.

"I'm ok. But thank you." Ell replied.

"So your uncle, he must be really proud of you having gotten a job right after school." Alex tried to change the subject, but on the look of grief on Ell's face, she had a sinking feeling that she might have only made it worse.

"He...." She started, but when she couldn't seam to find the words, Alex stopped there walking and looked at Ell in concern.

"Does he not treat you well?" She asked, noticing the unshed tears that had welled up in Ell's eyes.

"He treats me as well as he can I'm sure." She finally managed.

Alex frowned at that, it had sounded as if there was more to the story, but she didn't want to pry.

"Ok well, please know Ell that if there is ever anything you want to talk about, I'm willing to listen." She said as they arrived at the hotel and she made sure to open the door for her like the true gentle woman she'd been brought up to be.

"T-Thank you so much for tonight Alex. I-I had a wonderful time." She said as she handed her her jacket back.

"Perhaps we could do it again sometime?" Alex asked hopefully. Ell blushed.

"I-I'd love that." She shyly said as she gave her a little wave and began to walk back to her basement, knowing full well exactly who she'd be dreaming about that night.

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