Chapter Fifeteen ~ Shivers

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When Ell work up the next morning, it was too and excited rose jumping on her bed.

"It's almost Christmas!" She exclaimed even though Christmas was still a good three weeks away.

"We simply must celebrate." She said seriously to which Ell giggled with a sleepy nod.

"And how are we celebrating exactly?" She asked with a grin.

"Ice skating of course!" Rose exclaimed.

"Cmon, get ready so we can go." She demanded as she strut out of Ell's room and proceeded to wait outside of it.

Ell got the feeling that Sundays where quite eventful around Rose. She smiled with a small laugh as she got herself up and ready for the day, deciding upon her new pastel blue cardigan, the bunny top and the shorts and leggings Alex had brought her the day before.

"Cmon! I'll show you the way!" Rose exclaimed as soon as Ell had come out of her room and Ell followed her with a giggle as she pulled her along.

"I'm an ice princess." Rose said as she stepped onto the frozen lake in her skates and began to show off her still developing skills.

Ell giggled and clapped and praised her as she spun about, making sure to keep a watchful eye on the ice because knowing Rose, she seamed to be a magnet for danger.

Just as Ell felt that she could possibly laugh more at the young girls Antics, she froze when she noticed an almost unnoticeable crack in the ice and leapt into action.


Alex yawned as she was awoken by the sounds of giggling and footsteps running down the hallway. She smiled to herself thinking that it must be her sister and Ell playing around.

She got up and began to get herself ready for the day, and just as she began to head towards Ell's room to see if she was back yet, she bumped into her favourite body guard Steven.

"Good morning princess. Rose took Ell to the lake to do a spot of skating, you'll likely still find them there." Alex nodded for a moment, and than froze her face turning pale.

"Wait so, Rose took Ell to the lake to skate, they are there together and anything could happen while their alone?" She asked in concern, to which Stevens own face fell.

There seamed to be a bit of a pattern wherever Rose and Ell where together... one that usual involved her sister getting into trouble and Ell saving her to her own detriment.

"Let's go." She said, Steven nodding grimly as he followed Alex's fast pace into the castle grounds and towards the lake.

When they got there, they found Rose crying on the shore of the lake and yelling out for Ell. Alex looked frantically to where she was looking and didn't hesitate. She ripped off her jacket and dived in, forcing her eyes to open in the sting of the freezing cold water as she frantically looked around. For a moment her heart all but stopped as she couldn't seam to find the girl she was looking for, but when her eyes finally landed on her she quickly swam towards her, grabbing her and as fast as she could pulling them both out of the water with Stevens immediate assistance.

"Ell Cmon breath!" Alex leapt into action as soon as she'd managed to crawl out of the hotel in the ice herself and took over cpr from Steven as he went to hug Rose. Thankfully, this time Ell began coughing up the water immediately, but she also began to shake uncontrollably as Alex pulled her into her arms and grabbed her jacket she'd thrown off before so she could place it around her shoulders.

"We have to get her inside." Alex said seriously, to which Steven nodded and picked Rose up, who was still bawling in his arms.

"I've got you Ell, I've got you." She whispered as she carried the girl up towards her room. When they got there she gently placed her onto her bed and immediately covered her in blankets, than looking back towards Steven she looked at him in concern.

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