Chapter Seven ~ Pools

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Just as Ell was finally able to shake herself out of her trance, and just before the elevator doors closed, she put her hand out to stop them when she saw one of the maids be tripped over by a guy heading to the pool.

He even dared to laugh about it as he walked off.

Ell ran up to the girl and helped her up, but when she realised she was too shocked to walk she quickly lead her to sit down at one of the benches near the entrance to the pool.

"Are you ok?" Ell asked shyly, as she got to work picking up the towels she had been about to deliver to the pool, the girl cried as she wiped at her eyes. She couldn't have been older than 18, and despite the fact that Ell was only eighteen herself, she felt a surge of motherly protection for the girl run through her.

"Hey, it's ok. Why don't you sit down for a bit and take a break."

She suggested, but the girl looked up at her in panic.

"But if I don't get my work done, I'll get in trouble." She argued, Ell thought for a moment.

"Ok well, how about you just take five. And I'll deliver the towels. That way you'll have time."

The girl tried to protest, but Ell waved her off.

"Please It's honestly fine, us girls need to stick together." She said with a gentle smile, and the young girl thanked her profusely as she tried to collect herself.

Ell piled up the towels in her arms and began walking towards the pool, only just being able to see where she was going from above the top of her pile.

Just as she was about to put the towels down on a table while she handed them out, she suddenly felt something hard trio her foot as she fell on top of the towels she was holding. At least she'd had a soft landing this time.

When she looked around to try and find the source of the incident she narrowed her eyes at the same boy who had tripped the other maid earlier. Seriously just what was his problem?!

Ell would have usually tried to stand up for the other maid at least in this kind of situation, but she needed her job so she couldn't afford to stand up to customers. Besides even if she had tried she probably wouldn't have looked very scary as Ell often struggled to sound stern.

"Oh look, the little miss is going to cry." The boy made fun of her as Ell tried to focus on placing the towels on the customers tables and ignoring him.

If she could just get the work done and get out of there quick, she hopefully wouldn't have to deal with him again.

"Does the little miss want to take a swim?" She suddenly heard a voice right behind her, Ell froze in fear as she felt big arms pick her up against her will, and watched in horror as he threw her towards the pool.

She screamed, but she hadn't been able to for long before her body hit the water in a big way and her insides felt as if they'd been smashed against a brick wall. Ell tried to mentally force her body to move, but she couldn't seam to get it too as she sank lower into the depths.

This must be it than. She thought.

The moment I die. At least I'll get to see my parents again, I hope they'll still be proud of me despite the fact I haven't managed to achieve much in my short life.

Ell closed her eyes in resignation of her fate as she finally couldn't hold onto her breath any longer and began to let it go.

For a moment, as she compulsed violently in the water, swallowing far to much of it, she thought she saw a mermaid swimming towards her.

"Ell, god damn it breath!" Was the last thing she heard before her eyes rolled back into her head and everything around her went black.

As soon as Alex had seen it, she'd ripped her jacket off and dived into the water after the woman some jerk of a guy had thrown into the pull. The scream that had been heard around the area was spine chilling and Alex knew she didn't have a great deal of time.

As she swam towards the maid, she realised quite quickly just who it was, and somehow managed to swim faster. When she met her she pulled Ell into her arms and kicked her legs as hard as she could to get them out of the water. As soon as they'd reached the surface, Alex had pulled her to the side of the pull and called out her name. Her eyes where just barley open, but when they rolled into the back of her head, Alex began to panic as she quickly started cpr.

"C'mon Ell god damn it just breath!" She said in a panic as she continued give it her the breath of life. Alex had never been as scared about anything else before and right than, literally nothing else mattered but Ell.

Finally, after what seamed like hours but just have only been minutes, Ell's body compulsed as she began to cough up the water she had swallowed. Alex immediately turned her onto her side and patted her back to help her get the rest of the water out.

"Oh thank god." She said as she rubbed soothing circles on the young woman's back. Ell looked up at her weekly as she tried to sit up, but when she wobbled, Alex steadied her with her arms. Ell looked up at her with fear and confusion in her eyes and Alex just wanted to take it all away

"Hey it's ok, your alright." She soothed as she pulled the girl into her arms and rubbed her back.

"Your ok." She muttered as she scanned the pools surroundings until she found the guy who had thrown her in.

"Oh no you don't." She said her voice full of rage as she realised that he was making a beeline for the door.

Alex quickly got up, told her sister to keep an eye on Ell, and ran towards the man. When she got to him, she grabbed his shirt and punched him right in the nose, causing him to fall onto his but.

"Next time you'd better think twice about hurting women." She said, her voice and eyes glaring daggers.

"Stay there if you know what's good for you." She commanded as the man looked around him for an escape, but Alex's glare kept him pinned to the spot.

She quickly grabbed her phone and called her body guard, and as soon as he'd arrived to take the man to the police, Alex made ever way straight back to Ell.

"Hey." She said as she kneeled in front of her, noticing that she had curled herself up into a ball with her head in her arms. She looked at her sister who shrugged with a look of concern on her own face.

"She wouldn't talk to me." She said, to which Alex nodded.

"That's ok Rose, she's just been through a shock, why don't we get her somewhere dry and you can watch Tv?" She asked to which her sister nodded.

Alex carefully picked Ell up in her arms as she carried her into the elevator and up to her room.

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