Chapter Twenty-Five: Confessions

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"Uncle it's so good to see you!" Alex exclaimed as her mothers younger brother lead her onto the dance floor.

"Yes it has been far to long my little knight. I only wish that your father could be here to see you too."

Alex nodded sadly as they danced and sniffled a little as she felt a tear run down her face. Her uncle pulled her in closer for a hug.

"But I know just how proud he is of the amazing young woman you've become." He whispered as Alex hugged him closer.

Her uncle had been like a father to her ever since her father had died, they'd always been close and she barely got to see him since he was so often travelling.

"Now who was that nice young lady friend of yours Hmm?" He suddenly asked and Alex blushed.

"She's wonderful uncle. I've never felt so strongly about anyone my whole life." Her uncle chuckled at that.

"Ah, young love. Have you told her yet?" He asked and Alex sighed.

"I plan to tonight, I just hope that she feels the same way." Her uncle nodded in understanding and when he looked to see the very girl they where talking about suddenly running out of the ballroom he stopped their dance and looked at Alex in concern.

"Ah, I think she does since she may have gotten the wrong idea about our little dance." He said as he gestured to where she was running. Alex looked around in concern and when she just made out the last of Ell's ball gown running around the corner of the door she gasped.

"Oh no, Ell wait!" She called as she began to run as well, turning back to her uncle for just a moment to apologise, but he waved her off and told her to run after her, which she had every intention of doing. But when she noticed that her jacket had fallen, she picked it up knowing Ell must be cold and when she did she found her locket had fallen along with it she grew even more concerned.

"Oh no, she'll be so worried about this." She said to herself in concern as she got herself back up and ran faster than she'd ever ran before towards the woman she was in love with.

But now she had to catch up and now she was nowhere to be seen as Alex looked frantically around the castle halls.

"Have you seen an adorable woman in a blue dress?" She asked the nearest staff member urgently, she looked amused as she told her she'd seen her run towards the castle grounds, and with that Alex once again took off in that direction hoping she could find her soon.


Ell had never run so fast in her life. But all she wanted to do right than was get away from the pain, so she kept going even when her legs felt like they couldn't hold her for much longer.

When they finally gave way, Ell giving out a little cry when she felt her ankle twist, she collapsed on the field that Alex had once taken her too and sobbed into her hands.

"How could I be so stupid?" She asked the stars as she looked up at them, tears streaming down her face.

"I not only let myself fall in love with someone that could never love me back, but she's not actually even gay?" She said, her voice cracking and broken sounding as she continued to sob into her hands.

"Correction." Alex said as she finally found her and had thankfully been able to hear what she had said as she held her hands onto her knees and tried to catch her breath.

"I am very, very, very, very, very, very, very...""

She held up a finger as Ell looked up from her tear covered hands at her in shock and Alex tried again to catch her breath before she was able to continue.

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