Chapter Twelve ~ Planes

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The very next day, Alex found her heart hurting when she had to wake an adorable sleeping Ell up early. They where leaving that day and they had to get up early to catch their plane.

"Hmm? What?" Ell asked sleepily as she woke up, yawned and rubbed at her eyes, before looking up at Alex innocently.

"Good morning." She said sleepily, to which Alex internally cued.

"Good morning, we're leaving today so we have to get ready to head to the airport. I noticed you didn't have a lot of clothes so I wondered if you'd like to borrow mine again for now and we'll get you some more things when we arrive?" Ell blushed at the thought of wearing Alex's clothes again as she shyly nodded.

Alex smiled as she ruffled through her suitcase, pulling out a few things, and when she showed them to Ell and she immediately pointed to the sweater she had borrowed the other day, she smiled as she handed it and the same jeans over.

Ell went to get changed and Alex finished zipping up her bags as she did, when she came out Alex noted that she had fixed her adorable bed hair into those cute plaits she wore almost every day, and she couldn't help but to smile.

"You look cute today." She commented, smiling at the blush she had immediately caused.

"Y-You look amazing." Ell replied as she ducked her head shyly. Alex chuckled, her cheeks turning red as she gestured to her to follow.

"C'mon let's get downstairs." She said as she picked up their bags, swinging one away from Ell when she tried to grab it herself and saying that she had it.

"Are we going on a plane?" Ell asked quietly as she followed her to the elevator and bit her lip in excitement.

"Yes." She said as she smiled.

"Have you ever been on one before?" She asked, and when Ell shook her head Alex grinned.

"Well it's amazing! You'll get to see the clouds and feel like your flying!" She said excitedly and Ell grinned.

"L-Like a fairy!" She said, to which Alex looked at her with a smirk.

"Do you believe in fairies?" She couldn't help but to ask, and at the blush on Ell's face she laughed.

"Oh my god, that's cute." She said.

"Well, perhaps we can try to find some when we get home." She said with a wink.

Ell's cheeks felt like they where on fire as she put her hands on them.

"Good morning sweetie, did you sleep ok?" A sudden voice interrupted them as they walked over to a woman who held her arms open and hugged Alex.

"And you must be Ell!" She said cheerfully as she pulled Ell in for a hug as well. When she pulled back she took a good look at her and smiled warmly.

"It's nice to meet you sweetie. Please know that you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need." She said kindly, to which Ell smiled shyly and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you. T-Thank you so much for your kindness!" She managed and Alex's mother laughed with a smile.

"My how polite you are!" She exclaimed.

"Your parents must be so proud!" She added, and when Ell's eyes grew misty as she gave her a shy smile, and when she felt Alex's hand gently hold onto hers she felt her cheeks warm.

"Alright, well we really must head off if we're going to make our flight, come along now." She said as she gestured towards what Ell was just now realising was a limo that awaited them outside of the hotel.

Ell gingerly followed Alex out of the rolling doors and towards the car, biting her lip and chancing one last glance back behind her. She didn't know what she expected to see, her uncle waving goodbye? Chasing after her to apologise and ask her to stay? Something, anything, any sign at all that she actually meant something to him?

But when nothing but the hotels entrance stared back at her she sighed and nodded to herself.

"Goodbye." She murmured as she followed Alex into the car, wiping a tear that dared to stray past her eyes as she went.

"You ok?" Alex asked her in concern when she noticed her face fall.

Ell nodded with a small smile as she bit her lip and looked out of the window seeing the New York City she barely knew even though she had lived there for a year, pass her by. Where was she going now? Would it be wonderful?

She couldn't help to let her mind wander as she bit her lip and sighed wistfully. And Alex couldn't help but to look at her with an excited grin the whole way to the airport.

When they arrived, Alex gently put a hand on Ell to let her know, but when she gave a small squeak of surprise, Alex smiled widely and apologised for scaring her. But seriously, could she get any cuter?

When Alex got out of the car she quickly ran to the other side and opened the door for Ell, causing her cheeks to colour yet again, and Alex could have sworn she hadn't grinned this much since she was a child on Christmas.

As soon as they had entered the airport, Ell's eyes where everywhere at once, she had never been to an airport before and there where just so many things to look at! What she didn't expect was for a crowd of people to suddenly walk up to them, the big men that always seamed to follow Alex around forming a protective barrier around them as they walked to their terminal. Ell tried to keep herself as calm as possible, though she wasn't good in crowds at all, Alex's hand that was holding her own helped and as soon as they got to their terminal and the body guards handed over their tickets, the situation was over as it was just Alex, Ell and her family again, walking towards the plane.

The plane was a lot smaller than Ell had expected it to be, but it was a really nice one. The nicest plane Ell had ever seen in fact, not that she'd really seen many planes before well, apart from in movies anyways.

Ell gingerly followed Alex and her family as they boarded the plane, and when they stepped inside Ell's jaw dropped in amazement. Now she realised why the plane was smaller. It was because it was a private jet. She had already figured that Alex and her family were rich, but it would seam they were even more so than she'd imagined. Ell couldn't help but too feel like she was intruding in there space, not to mention the fact that she was really worried she might break something with her clumsy. So just as soon as she'd been shown to her seat, she sat down and pulled her hands close towards her as she looked around in awe.

"Are you ok Ell?" Alex interrupted her thoughts as she turned towards her and smiled shyly with a nod.

"Will I go flying without a seatbelt?" She asked as she realised they where no seatbelts around the luxury couch they were sitting on. Alex couldn't help it, she took the opportunity.

"I won't let that happen." She said as she scorched in closer and put a gentle arm around her shoulders.

"Is this ok?" She asked, earning a blush from Ell as she bit her lip and nodded. When the plane began to rumble for life, she gave a squeak as she dived further into Alex's arms. She most certainly didn't mind as she pulled her closer.

"It's ok Ell, I've got you." She whispered as the small girl snuggled in closer, causing Alex to smile in contentment. She got the feeling that she had begun to loose her heart the first time she had seen her, and now, holding Ell close like this, she wanted her to keep it for as long as she'd allow.

And hopefully that would be for a very long time because Alex didn't think that she could quite handle loosing her, and right now all she wanted to do was stay by her side.

But would she ever feel the same way about her? Was she just shy or had the red cheeks and wide eyes been a sign of a mutual crush?

Alex was intent on finding out, even if it meant her own heart breaking in the process, because at this point, she was too far gone already and she'd be damned if she didn't at least try to follow her heart.

And as Ell nuzzled her head onto her chest and held onto her tighter as the plane lifted off the ground, Alex knew that she was making the right choice. After all, Ell had said that she liked fairytales.

So a fairytale it would simply have to be.

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