Chapter Twenty-Three: Invitations

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A few days later,  Ell had finished the rest of the floors in the orphanage and she was excited to start fixing up the roof. She had already been back done to the hardware store and the kind gentleman had showed her how to fix it and even how to do a whole new roof. Ell had taken a chance and offered to hire him to help her on this one and just to her luck, he'd agreed!

They where set to get it finished up that very afternoon and Ell couldn't be more excited about that fact.

She'd also already managed to give the walls a new coat of paint, and had painted the children's bedroom with a mural of animals and fairies, much to their delight.

Now, once the roof was finished Ell had one last plan for the place, and that was to use the last of her pay to get the children as many gifts as she could this Christmas as well as a Christmas feast.

She knew that it wasn't much but she hoped that it might warm their hearts when they where going through so much.

Just as she was about to head off to the village to pick up some supplies for the afternoon, she discovered an excited looking Rose and Alex at her door.

"O-Oh, hello." Ell greeted them in surprise and as Alex grinned at her that familiar blush began to colour her cheeks.

"Good morning Ell." Alex greeted.

"How are you?" She asked and Ell blushed as she gave her a shy smile.

"I am well thank you Alex, how are you?" She asked and Alex grinned wider as she looked at Ell happily.

"I'm great thank you. I've got something I'd like to give you." She said, her grin turning into a shyer sort of smile as she looked at Ell somewhat nervously.

"You see, every year at the castle we host an annual Christmas Eve ball, and you are definitely invited. That-is if you'd like to come... which you certainly don't have to if you don't want to but I er..."

She said and when Rose nudged her in the side Alex cleared her throat as she continued.

"I was just wondering if you'd like to be my ah.... My Plus one?" She finally manages, her cheeks burning brighter than Ell had ever seen them as she handed her a gold letter that was encased in an envelope with pretty guilted edges.

"I-I... I would love too." Ell managed, her voice growing even higher than its usual lilt as she blushed furiously and bit her lip.

"T-Thank you, thank you very much." She said as Alex seamed to release the breath she'd been holding and her usual grin re-appeared.

"Wonderful, all the details are in the note and Rose here was wondering if you'd be willing to take her dress shopping?" Alex asked as Rose looked up at Ell hopefully.

Ell smiled down at her and nodded.

"Of course sweetie, we will find you a dress fit for a princess, are you ok with heading off now? I need to pick up some other things as well." She asked to which Rose eagerly nodded as she took Ell's outstretched hand and they began to walk off, Ell turning to look back at Alex.

"Did you want to come along as well Alex?" She shyly asked, hoping that her voice didn't sound as hopeful as she felt.

"This one won't let me. Says if I saw the dress it would ruin the 'Magic'."

Ell blushed at that as she looked at Rose with a raised brow.

"It's not like we're getting married." Ell whispered to her, but when Rose pouted she chuckled.

"Ok. well, we'll see you later than Alex." She called to her with a wave as she giggled again from the adorable child's antics and began the short walk to the village.

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