Chapter Seventeen ~ Fields

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Just a day later, Rose's nanny had quit. She hadn't wanted to train Ell any longer because Rose went and poured dirt into her coffee. She didn't seam to mind Ell being her nanny though because as soon as the other one had left she was all sweet and cute. Ell couldn't help but to laugh a little at her antics, though she did also scold her for being so mean to the poor woman and asked her not to do something like that again.

Rose had a few hours of free time before she needed to get back to her school work so Ell had taken her for a walk around the castle gardens.

"Alex says that you have a pretty singing voice."

Rose suddenly said as they strolled along. Ell blushed brightly at that as she shook her head.

"I-I well I... I don't think I'm all that good honestly." She said in a fluster, and Rose laughed.

"I like to sing. Can you teach me? I wanna be good like you." She pleaded, giving Ell the puppy eyes. And Ell giggled as she nodded.

"Well... um." She said in thought.

"What song would you like to learn?"

When Rose had suggested a song from a fairytale movie, Ell had beamed. She knew that one well.

"Ok so you start it like this." She instructed as she proceeded to sing, than watched as Rose copied.

"That's right, and than this." She said as she sang the next part and listened.

"Alright now let's sing it together." She said as they began to sign and laugh as Ell twirled rose around the garden.

"There, a true fairytale princess in the making." She said as she picked Rose up and twirled her around, the child giggling happily as she did so.

"I bet you'd love to dance with a fairytale prince, I know that I sure would." Rose said as Ell put her back down and giggled.

"Well." She said dreamily as she played with her locket.

"I would much prefer to dance with a fairytale princess." She said and Rose grinned.

"And she would dip you and twirl you and whisk you away to her castle?" She asked cheekily and Ell blushed.

"Perhaps, but I don't need any of that. True love is really about the person, about their heart and their soul and who they really are. That's what I know I'd fall in love with. Not castles and balls and luxuries and things."

Rose giggled as she sighed.

"How romantic." She said wistfully as she dramatically pretended to faint on the grass.

Ell giggled.

"But you'd still love to dance with them huh?" She asked as Ell blushed again.

"Of course." She said as she twirled around on the spot with a giggle, but when she lost her footing she gasped as she almost fell to the ground, only to be caught in the Nick of time.

"May I cut in?" Came a familiar voice as Ell looked up and realised who it was. She blushed beet red, wondering just how long Alex had been there as she bit her lip and nodded.

"Wonderful." She said as she helped her onto her feet, put one arm around her waist and her other hand in her own, and they began to dance.

Rose giggled as she watched them.

"You painted quite the picture there about love. Do you really believe all of that?" Alex whispered as she looked deeply into Ell's eyes and continued to lead them around the grass.

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