Chapter Five ~ Dreams

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When Ell woke up, she didn't realise at first where she was. She felt her body turn to ice as her stomach filled with the air she hadn't realised she'd been holding in, and her mind slowed to a halt. Until an angel from above entered the room and looked at her in concern.

"Ah, your awake. Are you ok?" Alex asked as she hurried over to her bed and stood beside her. Ell frowned as she tried to remember what had happened to bring her into this alluring woman's bedroom.

Was this a dream? Ell thought to herself as she looked around her in wonder.

"I'm fairly certain your awake actually, but if you where dreaming, I hope that I was your guest."

Alex suddenly said with an amused smile.

Ell's cheeks turned red when she realised she'd spoken her thoughts out loud and she looked down at her hands in embarrassment.

"Here, the doctor said it's important to keep up fluids and to take this medication." She said as she offered Ell a glass of water.

Medication.... Ell pondered as she accepted the drink handed to her and took the pills.

Suddenly it hit her. She had been trying to make her way to the hotels garden when she had gotten caught in a crowd, had a panic attack, and well...fainted...

Oh no.

She thought to herself forlornly as she inwardly cringed and put her hands to her face in embarrassment.

So not only was she getting fired today, but she also had embarrassed herself in front of the most beautiful woman in the world. It had been officially the worst. day. ever. But wait, what was it that Alex had said just now about her dream....?


As Ell finally began to realise that the most beautiful girl in the universe may just have flirted with her, she felt her cheeks boil so hot she thought that they might just explode.

"You look really hot, hmm." The taller woman pointed out as she placed a gentle hand onto Ell's forehead and sighed.

"Seams fine to me but your cheeks are awful red. Are you ok?"

Ell couldn't spit out a sentence at that as she looked up at the woman who was smiling down at her, with wide eyes.

Did she know the affect that she was having?

Ell hid her face in her hands again as she shyly nodded.

"Well, maybe you should lie down a little longer and get some rest? Your welcome to stay here, if you'd like."

Ell looked at at the girl in surprise. After all the pain she had caused her, she still wanted her to stay? Ell wasn't used to such kindness.

"O-Oh no that's ok. I've well overstayed my welcome. But t-thank you so much f-for helping me." She mustered as she made to get up from the bed, but when she wobbled a little Alex was quick to steady her.

"Are you sure? You don't seam ok." She said, her voice laced with concern.

"I-Im ok." She managed.

"I really must get back to my work. B-But thank you, Alex." She replied, and Alex gave her a warm smile, not turning all the way up at the edges as she followed Ell and opened the door for her.

"Anytime Ell, really." She said as she gave her a little wave and watched as she headed down the hallway and into an elevator.

Alex sighed as she closed the door behind her.

She had meant to ask Ell why she was so exhausted, she really had meant to but, she also didn't want to come across as to forward or intrusive. After all they had only just met, and Ell seamed very timid and shy. She wasn't like other girls, Ell was adorable and sweet and perfect, and Alex had a feeling that if she didn't take things slow with her and try to get to know her at her own pace, she might regret it.

So she resigned herself to make sure to 'bump into' her again soon and hoped that that would happen sooner rather than later. For now she'd simply have to think about her some more, because honestly, could she get more cute?

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