Chapter Twenty One: Wages

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On Monday morning when Ell woke up, she was surprised to feel her new phone buzz beside her. When she unlocked the screen like Alex had taught her her eyes grew wide when she saw the notification that had caused the buzzing sound.

It was her pay, and the amount of digits in it was akin to nothing she'd ever seen before.

She'd been paid three thousand dollars for just a fought-nights worth of work. Three thousand dollars! It was far more than over half what most normal jobs would pay, though she hadn't exactly experienced a lot of work situations before she knew at least that much and she didn't feel that she deserved such a large amount.

As she got herself up and showered Ell couldn't seam to shake off the shock of it. The night prior the first thing she had done after spending time with Alex was call her best friend. She had been a little angry with her but when Ell had explained what had happened she'd sympathised and said it was ok and that she was just glad that she was safe now. Ell felt herself very lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people and she'd assured her friend that this time she'd make sure to stay in touch.

Ell hadn't had many plans for that day apart from work and volunteering at the orphanage, so she made a note to herself to pay a visit to the queen after she clocked off to let her know that she didn't need to pay her so much.

Christmas was fast approaching, now being just a week away and Ell couldn't help but to think about her parents more and more as the day fast approached. She wanted to do something this year to honour their memory, but she wasn't quite sure what yet.

But the thing, or rather the someone, that never seamed to stop being on her mind was Alex, and just how close her lips had been to her own more than once since she'd met her. Ell wasn't stupid, she knew that they where getting closer but she didn't want to allow herself to believe that she had actually been going in for a kiss, when she knew she could still be disappointed. What if she'd just been looking closer at her? Or trying to say that she had something on her face?

Either way, each time it had happened they'd been interrupted before Ell could find out for sure her intentions, so no matter how much her heart had longed for the princess, she'd simply have to tell it no, because she couldn't afford to be broken, not again. She feared that if her heart was hurt once more, she'd be completely ruined with no hope to find the light again.

Ell sighed as she tried to shake her head out of her thoughts. That day she'd decided to wear some long legged overalls, a white t-shirt with a bunny on it, and her favourite soft blue cardigan on top. She put her hair back in plaits and placed her favourite scarf over it to keep it out of the way.

She'd chosen this outfit for multiple reasons.

The first being Rose having wanted to play in the garden again that day, and the second that Ell had planned on starting to fix the orphanages floors that very afternoon. That-is if she could find the materials, which she really hoped that she could.

When the day had ended Ell kept her promise to herself as she made her way towards the queens office. She gingerly knocked on the door and when she said to come in Ell shyly walked in with her hands clasped behind her back.

"Ell, how are you? I trust you e settled in ok to your new position?" The queen asked as she gestured for Ell to sit down. Ell shyly did so as she nodded.

"I'm glad dear, was there something you need to talk to me about?" She asked in a gentle tone, and Ell gave her a shy nod.

"Well I... I just wanted to thank you for the pay and to let you know that I-well I don't need so much."

The queens eyes shined as she laughed and gave Ell a grin.

"You really are lovely Ell, but I think we can afford it. Besides you've lasted much longer than any nanny I've had for years, so your very much so worth it."

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