Chapter Eleven ~ Soups

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Once Alex had reached her room and gently placed Ell down on her bed, making sure to cover her with a blanket, she looked at her favourite security guard in concern.

She had known him since she was a child and he had always been like a farther to her, so she knew that he wouldn't mind helping.

"Steven, Ell's in a spot of trouble. Do you think you could grab her stuff from her uncles house? I don't want her going alone or having to see him at all later..."

Steven nodded.

"Of course. Is she alright?" He asked looking at the young woman he treated as one of his own in concern. He knew when she was in love and could only hope that this new girl wouldn't break her heart.

"I think so." He nodded as she made his way out of the room, leaving just Ell and Alex.

Alex thought to herself as she watched over Ell. She looked like an angel as she slept in her bed. Just what she had been through since she had started working at the hotel, Alex couldn't comprehend, but she hoped that in time she felt she could trust Alex enough to confide in her.

Alex had already began making a plan in her head as soon as she'd heard Ell's uncle fighting with her. She could come back to her country with her and her family would provide her with a job and boarding so she could get back on her feet, and all be-it a little selfishly it would mean that Alex could spend more time with her as well. That-is if she was comfortable going with them to a country she'd never been to before. But she would talk to her about that when she woke up.

First she needed an audience with the queen. In other words her mother dearest. Alex pulled out her phone and gently closed the door to the bedroom behind her as she dialled her mothers number and waited a beat for the answer.

"Alex darling, everything ok?" Her mother asked, and Alex smiled.

"Yes mum everything's fine, I just had something I need to talk to you about when you can."

Her mother hummed in understanding.

"Ok sweety well I just have to finish this meeting and I'll be right down ok?"

"Sounds good mum, love you." She replied before hanging up.

Alex considered herself rather lucky to have at least one living parent who was amazing. Sure, she certainly was busy all the time being the queen of their little country of Alluria, but she was still there in the ways that counted most. Alex had had a lot of responsibility placed on her when she'd grown up as the next in line for the thrown of her country, and at first as a kid she'd hated it. But she hadn't really had to start official training until she had turned seventeen so it wasn't too bad. It's not like she didn't get a childhood, and she was starting to warm up to the idea of being able to help others and make lasting change for her country. That-is, if they would accept her.

She certainly wouldn't be marrying a man and making him king, if she was going to marry anyone it was be a woman, and with her country being a rather tiny one that barely anyone knew about, she wasn't exactly sure how that would go. But she had her mother and sisters support, and that meant the world to Alex.

She could only hope that everything would work itself out in time.

When her mother entered her room Alex stood up to hug her and offer her a cup of tea as they sat down.

"Is everything ok?" She immediately asked as she accepted the cup and took a sip.

"Yes everything is fine. My friend that I met here has been in a bit of a situation with her uncle and her work." She said and her mother nodded in understanding.

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