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I flicked the page of the book, lifting my head from the dream world for just a second. I'd been able to avoid the popular kids for the rest of the term. 3 weeks and now I had just one final history class before the week break. A full week of hiding away in Sterling's car for the full day. Laughing our heads off at some really bad joke he'd seen online. 

I could read with him in silence on some windy cliff top and then we can tell each other about our books. And then we'd swap after we were finished and we can read the other's book. Or we'd paint and he'd come over and ruin it. Or I could fuck up his compositions with some really bad notes and throw him off. Maybe add some violin where it wasn't needed. Then laugh at him when he gets so mad and storms out. 

"Watch out Hannah." My should was hit hard as one of their hands, threw my book down to the wet ground. My ears ringing with laughter as I bent my knees picking it up and shaking it off. Landed in a puddle. Fucking brilliant. Thanks. 

I rolled my eyes and carried on walking, shaking the book to get any excess water off. It might be okay but it needs drying as soon as possible. God. I've forgotten where I was. I pushed into the classroom, walking over and checking the radiator was on before laying the book on it to dry. 2 hours should be enough until I can get home and try save it there. If not I'll just have to get another. 

Oh no. Another trip to the bookstore? What a shame. 

I sat down at my usual seat, pulling out my laptop and note book. Pen and highlighter at the ready. I was early again. No surprise there. I put my phone on the desk, skipping a few songs before laying my head on the desk and taking a few deep breathes to settle myself. God if I was back at school I'd tell those boys exactly what they need to hear. Sterling would hold me back and tell me to chill out. And when I was done, he'd laugh at me, shake his head and buy me a coffee to calm me down. 

My music stopped and I lifted my head. Looking at the paused music but no phone call. I furrowed my brow as someone gently prodded my arm. I jumped, pulling an earphone out quickly as I looked up. I rolled my eyes and sat back.



"I just wanted to apologise for them throwing your book on the floor. I know I'm new and everything but I don't think it's great of them." God his eyes were so green. Like a meadow in the middle of summer when we've had a lot of rain and it's fresh and healthy. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to it." I put my earphone back in, turning around. 

"I'm Evan." I could see his hand held out in my peripheral vision. I just pulled my laptop closer, pressing play on my music and turning the volume up. I wasn't giving him any reason to talk to me just like everyone else. Chances are he's already been told about me as it is. I don't even know why he came to apologise. It's not like their actions are his responsibility right? He's not god. They're not puppets. He's not controlling them from behind a screen. 

He sat down beside me and I moved my stuff up. There was dozens of empty seats in here. Some at the back of the room where people like him usually sit. Him being close to me was just going to cause drama. They'd find something in my stuff here to rip me apart. 

I brought up my typed up notes, transferring the last classes info from my book into the document. I had these set out in a very specific way. My notes were always very specific. Short hand written notes that I then typed up so they made sense. I'd make them pretty too. Fun fonts and colours. All of it to make sure the information sunk in as deep as possible. 

I pulled out my earphones as the tutor came in, pushing my phone and laptop back against the little wall and turning the page of my book. 

"I am sorry." He spoke beside me again quietly, barely above a whisper. 

"I said don't be." I rolled my eyes as I started taking notes from the screen. 

"I can't not be. It's a good book you're reading and it looked trashed. Let me get you a new one." I looked at him, raising and eyebrow. 

"I don't need one. I have another at home." I turned back continuing to write. 

"You have 2 of the same book?" 

"Why are you talking to me?" I snapped quietly, turning to look at him. "I'm sure they've told you about me, so why bother?" 

"I don't know." He looked all over my face before back in my eyes. "I've been here like 4 weeks and you're the only person in my classes I haven't run at to at a party or in the library. I promised myself I'd speak to everyone in all my classes." 

"Well now you can tick me off your list. Congratulations." I rolled my eyes, looking back at the front. 

"You're in my art class too. And Lit." 

"I'm in your class or are you in mine. You're the new guy here not me." He chuckled, taking some notes himself. 

"Okay sure. I'm in your art and literature class. Happy?" 

"No you're still talking and I'm trying to listen." I stared at him, face laced with attitude but he just smiled. 

"What's your name?" 

"Why do you want to know?" 

"Because no one will tell me. They just call you the loner with no friends." 

"I have friends, just not here." 

"Why not?" 

"God you ask so many questions. You know you'll get shit for talking to me right?" 

"Why would I?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Because I'm the loner with no friends." He let out a breath quickly. Almost like a short sharp laugh. 

"You're really mysterious. You've not even answered a single one of my questions." 

"Alright Fred Jones." I rolled my eyes, moving in my seat so I could see the tutor better and him less." 

"So you're not going to tell me your name?" 


"Why not?" 

"Because I don't need to." I shrugged and decided that was enough conversation. 

"It's just a name." I rolled my eyes again and he sighed. "Let me get you a coffee after this. To make up for the book." 

"Never going to happen Jones." I didn't lift my head up. "Go get a coffee with your jock friends. I'm sure they've got plenty of girls you can take out. I'm not one of them."

The New Boy- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now