Twenty Two

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"I am definitely coming down with something. I feel horrendous." I drunk from the glass, putting it down on top of the piano as Sterling started playing. I'd been back home a week now and his marks were officially gone. I missed them just as much as I missed him. 

"Get away from me then." Steel lifted his hand and pushed me. Mouth agape, I just stared at him crossing my arms as he laughed and returned to playing. 

"You know what? Fuck you. I hope you get sick and feel this crap. I'm going to bed." I grabbed the water, walking out of the room. 

I genuinely did feel fucking horrible. I'd barely slept the last few days and it was starting to make sense as to why. I initially thought it was just the feeling of him not being beside me but I was fine the first 2 nights and now I just couldn't. So I was exhausted, stuffy nose, my head was pounding and wait. Yeah. Temperature too. Great. 

I actually hate being sick. I get so emotional over everything and missing him was not making it any better. I didn't even want to be around Steel right now. I just wanted my bed and a cup of hot tea. 

"Fay, wait." 

"Fuck off Sterling." I rolled my eyes walking into my room and hunting through my bathroom drawers for my tissues. I couldn't breathe and I was starting to panic. 

"Are you okay?" 

"No I'm fucking not. I've been saying all day and you couldn't care less." I stood up  and kicked the door closed, blowing my nose as tears streamed down my face. 

"Fay." He sighed, knocking on the door. "Let me in." 

"I really don't feel well Steel." I pulled the door open and he tilted his head at me, putting his hand on my forehead and furrowing his brow. 

"You're really hot." 


"Not lost your sense of humour though." He smiled. "Come on, comfy clothes and bed. I'll go talk to your dad." 

"Don't go." I grabbed his hand, clinging to him like a child. "Don't leave me." 

"Fay-" He turned. "Sweet I need to tell your dad your sick and you need to change. I'll be 5 minutes." Tears fell down my cheek and he sighed, pulling me into his arms. "You're really not well are you?" I shook my head on his chest. "Why didn't you just stay in bed? We could have been in bed this whole time." 

"I wasn't that bad this morning but-" I laid my forehead on him, sniffing and trying to breathe through my mouth. "I miss Evan." He chuckled slightly, walking backwards. 

"You want me to get him?" I looked up. "Will it make you feel better if he's here?" 

"Maybe. I don't know." He stepped backwards, pulling my duvet back and pointing for me to get in. I did as I was told, kicking my shoes off and climbing under the blanket, pulling it up under my chin as I shivered, freezing cold but I could feel the heat radiating off me. 

"I'll call him, pass me your phone." I stared at his outstretched hand. 

"I don't want to bother him. He's probably busy Ev." I laid down, turning to my side. 

"Babe. If he loves you like you say he does, he'll find a way to make you feel better right now. Phone." I scrunched my face up and he rolled his eyes, puling the duvet back and pulling it from my pocket before he tucked me back in. "Don't you dare move unless it's to get changed. I'll be back soon." I nodded and he left, pulling my phone to his ear as the door closed. 

I climbed out of bed slowly. This headache was making my head feel too heavy and the pain in my neck was making it feel even worse. Quickly pulling on some royal blue silk pyjamas and climbing back under the covers. 

I picked these for a specific reason. This fever was up and down, hot on minute freezing the next. If I put on a hoodie and trackies like I wanted, I'd be melting and overwhelmed with the heat during in hot flush but I'd be comfortable in the cool. With this set I'd be in a middle ground either way. 

"Fay?" I grumbled. My face felt tight from the dried tears. I must have fallen asleep. "Baby?" I opened my eyes, looking at him bent down beside my bed. "Hi beautiful." 

"Ev?" He pushed my hair out my face. "You didn't have to come." 

"Sterling said you needed me baby. I'm here. Sit up for me a sec." I did as he asked, sitting up slowly and putting my hand on the back of my neck. "Take these." I looked at him as he handed me a glass of water and some little white tablets. I looked around the room and Steel just chuckled from the chair in the corner. 

"You're good. I watched him take them out the packet." I looked back at him giving him a soft smile as I took them. 

"Why didn't you say you were sick Fay? I'd have come sooner." He took the glass from me, climbing into the bed and pulling me into him. 

"I was okay." I put my hand under his shirt, dying to steal any heat he had for my own. "It just got bad quick." Burying my head into him as he held me tight. "I missed you." 

"I've missed you too baby." He kissed my forehead. A strong hard kiss. It made my head hurt a little more but honestly I didn't care. I felt better already having him here. 

"I'm sorry I'm a pain. Its just the flu. I'm going to make you sick now too." 

"Shh. Sleep baby. I'll stay until you're better." 

"You'll stay?" 

"I'm staying too so don't get any ideas." I pulled my hand from him, shooting him the middle finger before putting my hand back. "Oh gee. You're welcome for me calling your boyfriend, getting you tablets, sorting your dad so he won't come down here and skin your boyfriend alive, all to make you feel better." 

"Love you Steel. Come give me a kiss." 

"Not a chance. Keep your germs between you and lover boy." I could feel his eye roll as I looked up at Evan. I missed how green his eyes were. Still shining as bright as they did in Paris. 

"You need to get better so I can dance with you next week." 

"Don't get sick too." 

"I won't. I promise." 

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