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Another day, another class. I hated the lighting in this room. For an art class there was almost no natural light at this time of year which made everything so much more difficult but none of us could help it. 

Monday and Tuesday were just a blur. Filled entirely with mock exams and tutor meetings to check in and set this terms development plans. There hadn't been much change. My grades were still perfect. Perfect attendance, perfect art pieces, perfect student. That's what they all said but the smiles on their faces were always like they felt sorry for me. Last year one of them actually said they didn't feel like I was settling in very well. I just told her my friendship group at home was big enough and I didn't need any more friends. I didn't need the distractions. It was true. I had plenty of friends. My phone was always buzzing with group chats. So much so that I had to Archive most of them so I didn't get notified unless I get mentioned. I just catch up on them all a few times a day.

I wasn't lonely. I don't think it's possible to be lonely when you have as many people watching you as I did. 

I kind of craved a little loneliness though. Some separation from the rest of the world. Just a little not loads. Maybe I could get it in Paris. Just turn off all my notifications for everything whilst I'm away. Apart from Sterling and my family. No one else will need me for the week and if they do Sterling will be able to tell me then. 

"You've been hard to find this week." I looked up for a second, putting some more paint on my brush before I pulled the earphone out closest to him. "How was your week off?" 

"Good thanks. Yours?" I turned my attention back to my work, if he wanted to talk he could but I had shit to do.

"Alright thanks. I didn't see you at that ball on Friday. Did you go?" 

"I did." I turned slightly. 

"What were you wearing?" 

"A dress." 

"Funny." I looked up at him slightly and he had an unimpressed smile on his face. "I met a girl." 

"I had toast for breakfast." He looked confused. "Oh I thought we were giving each other useless information."  He rolled his eyes slightly smiling. 

"I was talking to her about you." 

"Seems like a weird thing to talk about but sure." 

"Well she's been going to those balls since she was a kid. She said she might know you." I put my brush down, standing up and grabbing my water cup, walking across the room. "She never said if she did or not." 

"Most people don't know me." He was stood behind me as I rinsed the cup up and refilled it. I turned around slowly so I didn't spill it. He was stood just as close as he had been on Friday night. No dress between us this time. "What else did you 2 talk about other than me then?" 

"Just you." He smirked. 

"Short conversation then."

"We talked for 2 hours." 

"2 hours? About a girl you don't even know the name of? Bit creepy." I raised my eyebrows, fighting against the smirk I could feel forming on my face. 

"It wasn't creepy I promise." He looked down and stared at the necklace I forgot I was still wearing. He looked up at me and down at it again. "Nice necklace." 

"Thanks Sterling got me it." I smiled now, pushing past him. 

"Birthday present right?" 


"For yesterday?" 

"Mhm." I nodded, putting the cup back down and turning to face him in the empty classroom. 

"I knew you looked familiar." He shook his head, grinning brightly. "Sterling pushed you into me." 

"He did. Nearly twisted my ankle the prick." I let out a single huff as a laugh. 

"Why didn't you say it was you?" I shrugged. "I'd have spent the full night dancing with you if I knew." He moved closer and I sucked in a breath, it catching in my throat. 

"Calm down there. It was one dance. I didn't want you to embarrass yourself should you want to dance with a girl whilst you were there." 

"I did but I couldn't find her." 

"Shame that isn't it?" I turned back around. 

"Why are you still being awkward? I told you I'm not like them. I told you I think were compatible, that I'm not looking for something quick or short term and that I just want to get to know you a little better." I picked up my paint brush, putting it against the canvas as I continued. 

"Because I have absolutely zero evidence you are who you claim to be. I am also not interested in getting to know anyone right now." 

"Why not?" 

"Because I'm not." 

"That's not really an answer though." He pulled a stool up beside me. "I have to go in a second." I nodded, not bothering to answer. "Did you have a nice birthday?" 

"I did." 

"What did you do?" 

"Spent it at the beach." 

"In this weather?" He chuckled slightly. "Were you not frozen?" 

"To the bone, we built a fire though. It was fine."  I sniffed. Let's not talk about the start of a cold I have. 

"Then what did you do?" 

"Family meal at home. It was a mediocre day." I looked at him for a second, using my paint brush to move my hair out of my face. 

"You've got paint on your face now." I shrugged and he smirked. He slowly lifted his hand up to me, putting his thumb on my forehead and swiping it off. The pressure from his thumb alone was enough to make my face flush red. "There." 

"Thanks." I gave him a tiny smile. 

"Are you going to Paris?" I nodded. "Okay good." He stood up, putting the chair back from where he got it from. "Have you been before?" 

"Loads. Pretty sure I know it better than campus." He smiled, pushing his hands into his letterman jacket, pulling it down with the force. 

"Walk around The Louvre with me?" I raised an eyebrow. "I want to talk to you about art and if you won't talk to me normally then at least we can have a topic to discuss. I'm curious to see your thoughts on the pieces." 


"I'm not taking no for an answer." He turned and started walking out. I sighed. 

"Freya." He stopped and turned around, his own eyebrow raised. "My names Freya but everyone calls me Fay." He smiled again, knowing he was getting what he wanted. And I was getting the exact opposite.

The New Boy- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now