Twenty Five

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"So, Evan?" Sterling walked beside me slowly. 

"Evan." I nodded, smiling as I looked at him. This walk always seemed so long when we walked behind my parents and everyone. Being the least important family member had its positives sometimes. This was one of them. I could actually talk to Sterling. 

"You guys are getting serious?" 

"As serious as you can be after a month." I chuckled quietly. "I don't expect him to propose anytime soon if that's what you're asking."

"I wasn't but its good to know." He laughed at me. "I just- Are you happy with him Fay? Like really happy? Not how you were with Bash." I looked at him, us both stopping walking. "Is he the one you can see yourself marrying that isn't me. Obviously." 

"Well I don't know, I don't think I can marry anyone that isn't you Steel." I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head sarcastically as I tarted walking again. "I do see myself having a future with him. I think it's too early to see what that is or how far that future goes. But have I imagined him by my side of every single event in my future? Yes. When I was getting ready tonight did I think about how it would feel getting ready for our wedding? Also yes." I looked at him as we stopped outside the ballroom, him taking my hand like all the others. 

"So you do? See yourself marrying him? Big white cupcake dress? Flowers, rings, vows. The full thing." 

"I think so." I looked back to the back of my sister's head. "Is that weird? Picturing that after a month?"

"No." He kept his voice low as the doors opened. "That's true love." I looked at him and sighed. The music in the room started and suddenly all the noise and chatter stopped. Just the sound of the quartet filling the room as we descended the big staircase. Sterling held my 4 fingers so gently it was barely like he was there. 

It was always the same songs to start these things. Once upon a December was the first song my parents danced to at his parents Christmas ball all those years ago and now they made sure it was always the first to kick it off as we danced as a family. Our tradition. We had never missed a single year. Brothers dancing with sisters, dad with mum and me always with Sterling. He'd promised me when I first started dating that he would never let me dance the first dance with someone who wasn't worthy of me. He'd stood by it. Not once did Bash get a first dance with me. Not even at prom.

I caught eyes with Evan as we reached the midway point and Serling held my hand tighter. I couldn't look at him or I'd trip. He was watching me though. Watching me smile at Evan. Watching me imagine it was him holding my hand. Watch me living out the rest of our lives together.  I was done pretending I wasn't head over heels in love with him. I was more than smitten, more than in love with him. It was so much more than it had been in Paris. I didn't think it was possible to continue building a love for someone you weren't physically close with. But it was. 

I dropped my dress to the floor, shaking it gracefully as I looked up at Sterling. He smiled, leaning over and kissing my head softly before walking a few steps and turning to Evan, holding my hand out. 

Oh my god. 

Calm Fay. 

Keep calm. 


Evan nodded to Sterling, taking my hand and bowing slightly before walking me to the space my family had left for us. 

I was going to die as his hand wrapped around my back and he held me close. 

"Nothing to worry about." He looked down at me for a second before straightening his back. "I may have been taking classes." I giggled at him, not even fighting the blush I could feel creeping up on my cheek. 

We started moving slowly and he brought his head down, looking in my eyes. My heart was beating out of my chest and it wasn't even the dancing doing it, or the music. Having him like this, here, in front of everyone. The honour Sterling had just given us both in handing me over to him. It was like he was agreeing that he was right for me. He saw what I saw and he knew it was right too. That my dad understood it. I could see him glancing at the 2 of us. 

I knew I was the topic of my parents conversation right now. Well, he was. This guy they had never met was dancing with their daughter to what they deemed the most crucial individual dance of the year. They were judging him. How he held me, how I was looking at him and him at me. How we looked together, if we were well suited. If he was worthy of me. 

"Everyone's watching us you know?" I spoke and he nodded, smiling softly. 

"I know. The only eyes I care about being on me are yours." The music picked up and so did the movements, us spinning mike we were in a snow globe. I felt like I was living in some fantasy world. Cinderella dancing with Prince Charming. Aurora dancing with Prince Phillip. Belle and the Beast. Freya and Evan. We were up there with the greatest. To a song that meant so much to my family. 

The music closed out and we stopped dancing. He bowed, kissing the back of my hand before standing up and joining me in clapping. 

"Dance with me again." He smiled against my ear and I nodded. I'd dance all night if it meant I could stay in this dream world with him. I knew my cheeks were going to be so sore at the end of the night from smiling. I wasn't going to regret it for even a second. "I want to keep dancing with you like this until we're both old and grey and in wheel chairs and even then, I want to make someone dance us around like this. They'll sit you on my knee and we will just spin to the music forever." I blinked slowly, looking up at him in the lack of space. 

"Kiss me." 

"Right now?" I nodded and he smiled, putting one hand on my face gently and bringing his lips down to mine. It was so sweet. Not only the kiss but this entire moment. Being in love with him was the sweetest feeling I'd ever experienced. It's like my veins were filled entirely of honey, or pure sugar water. 

When he pulled back slowly after just the shortest handful of seconds, I could see everyone staring. Watching the princess fall in love with some guy she just met. I smiled at him, swallowing as his arm wrapped around me and I laid my head on his chest. 

I hope this never ever ends. 

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