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"I'm not wearing a tiara dad." I crossed my arms. "That defeats the whole freaking point  of a masked ball." 

"Freya." My dad crossed his arms, mocking me. "Put the damn tiara on and do as your told." 



"There's someone here sire." We turned to face the doorman who opened the door. "Sterling St.James?" 

"Let him in." I smiled gently, turning back to my dad. "I'm not wearing one dad." He put his hands over his face. 

"Of all your siblings, why are you the most awkward about following instructions and traditions Freya?" 

"Because I'm A) Not my siblings and B) It's a masquerade ball. The whole point of this is so I can talk to people without being noticed. Defeats the point if you put a bloody neon sign above my head saying 'hey look it's the princess.'" The doors closed and I turned to face Sterling. 

"What are you arguing with your father about now trouble?" 

"He wants me to wear a fucking tiara."

"FREYA." I rolled my eyes and Sterling smirked at me. "You are the most annoying child." I turned back to my dad. 

"It doesn't. Make. Sense." I turned away and walked over to my window, looking down at the people arriving. "See, no one down there is wearing one. If people down there were then I would. I don't want to stand out dad. I will after uni but not right now. I'd rather not. Plus thanks to SOMEONE there's someone from uni coming tonight. I don't want to even hint at anything." 

"Can't you compromise Fay?" I snapped my head to Starling, crossing my arms and shooting him daggers. "I mean you're hairs up. Can't you put some fancy clip or slide in?" He walked over to my makeup desk, pulling open a drawer and shuffling through. "Like this one?" He held it up to my dad who looked and gave one strong nod. "Turn around." I rolled my eyes but did and he pushed it into my hair. "There." I looked in the mirror and turned to my dad. 


"Not really but it will do." He looked at Sterling and gave him a gentle smile. "Thanks Sterling. I'm glad you can handle her."

"I don't handle her. I just know what she wants and needs." My dad nodded before turning towards the door and walking out. 

"5 minutes." His words echoed through the room as the doors closed and I sighed. 

"I just know what she wants and needs." I mocked him and he chuckled. 

"You want your birthday present? Will that shut you up?" 

"Probably not." I smiled and he walked over to me, pulling a long box from his pocket. "What is it?" 

"That defeats the object of a gift Fay. You need to open it." I smiled, taking the box from his hand and slowly opening it. Opal. As always. Blue this time. I knew this was his favourite on me. "You like it?" 

"It's stunning." I looked up at him, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you Steel." 

"You're welcome beautiful. Here-" He pulled back, taking it from me. "Let me put it on you." I turned around and he took the necklace out, slowly fastening it around my neck. "I had fun with you this week." 

"Me too. I like having you around so much." 

"I know. It sucks I have to go again."  He took his hands away and I looked down at the tiny flower now attached to me before turning around. "Hopefully I'll find her this time." 

"Hopefully. You should stop scaring them off though." 

"I don't scare them off Fay. They're just not-" 

"Not her." He sighed. "You need a rebound. Everything she told you was a lie." I picked up the front of my dress as the door opened, a quiet gesture that we had to go down to the party now. "She didn't mean any of it Steel. You know she didn't." 

"I know. It just sucks man." He groaned, taking my hand as we reached the stairs. "What about you? You need to talk to someone outside the group tonight." 

"If I do that I risk talking to Evan and no thanks." I rolled my eyes as we reached the little landing. "Can you tighten this mask, I feel like it's going to fall." He nodded, pulling the clips out that were holding it in place and moving them further back in my hair. 


"Yes. Thanks." 

"So who is this Evan guy? What do you know about him?" 

"What do I need to know other than he's a jock who's obviously rich and just as smug as the rest of them. Also doesn't know when to stop."

"Why are you being so judgey with him?" I stopped and looked at him. "You don't normally judge people without getting to know them Fay. Why are you being so harsh with him? I saw you last week in the library. That whole back and forth thing you 2 have going on is cute." I scoffed and started walking again. "It is. I'll find him tonight if you want. Talk to him a little." 

"I don't want to talk to him Sterling. I don't want to be letting any of those guys close to me. Also even if I did want his fucking green eyes on mine constantly, how the hell do I just avoid the fact that this whole thing is me?" I gestured around me. "Like it would be a secret if I did and then what? I'm stuck here for the rest of my life?" He sighed and tilted his head as we stood by the door to the ballroom, inside already filled. "I'm right though aren't I? If something was to happen with not only Evan, anyone from school, the whole princess thing wouldn't be a secret for very long. Like where would I get dropped off after a date? What do my family do? Why can't he meet my family? What do I want to do in the future? All basic questions I can't answer and if I don't answer them it just looks like I'm being standoffish." The doors opened and we started to walk down the stairs. "It's just easier to not get involved with him." 

"But you kind of want to know more about him don't you?" I didn't take my eyes off the room in front of me. All eyes on the 2 of us. If I looked at him. I'd fall and then I'd die of embarrassment. "Fay?" He stepped onto the floor looking at me as I took the last 3 steps down to him. "Do you?" 

"Have you seen how green his eyes are?" I took in a deep breathe as Sterling laughed quietly. "He takes art and history and lit with me, he's smart, perfect grade. He's read some of the same  books I have and I only know that because he told us them in his first Literature class as an ice breaker. I don't know he's just-" 


"I may be a little curious." I held my fingers up showing a small gap between my thumb and forefinger. "Tiny bit." 

"A tiny bit." He rolled his eyes, chuckling at me as he held his arm out. "Come on. There's a whole group of people wanting to tell you they missed you since August." 

The New Boy- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now