Thirty Five

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I stood on the balcony. Dressed and ready for my first ball back after the breakdown. That's what we were calling it now. Well. What everyone else was calling it. It felt wrong, calling it that but I kind of understand how they got there from what they were seeing. It still all made sense to me. 

"You okay?" I turned my head, nodding quickly at Sterling. 

"It's so warm here now." 

"It is." He chuckled. "That's what happens in June. It gets warm." 

"We were really away for 3 weeks?" 

"We were. Are you ready to see everyone again? Kels and the guys? They're under strict instructions not to ask anything and I'm not going to leave your side all night, I promise this time. Well unless I need to pee." I smiled at him, turning back to looking out across the gardens. 

It felt weird being back here too. Unnatural some how. Like I didn't belong here. I didn't feel like I did. This didn't feel like home anymore. I don't think it had for a very long time though. I remember feeling like this when I came back from boarding school over breaks. Just feeling out of place. I guess that's all I've ever really felt. Like I'm some imposter who'd snuck in the back door. 

"What you thinking?"

"That it feels weird being here. That I don't belong here." He pulled me closer into him, letting me continue looking out. 

"You do. I know it hasn't felt like it for a while, but you do belong here, with us all." I stood up straight, running my hands down the ball gown as I let out a deep breathe. "Come on, You need to put your little crown on before we go down."  

We walked back into the room, me sitting down at my desk and he started clipping the crown to my head. This wasn't the first time he'd done this. He'd had to do it in a rush we had one time, I was throwing makeup on as he sorted my hair like some magical fairy god father. He'd had to call his sister to talk him through doing it then. Now he was an expert. 

"Okay you're good to go. I don't think it's going anywhere." I shook my head slightly, watching him scowl in the mirror before detangling my hair and smoothing it out. "Don't you dare do it again, I'll make you walk in like that" 

"You would not." I chuckled, standing up. He bowed holding a hand out dramatically. 

"My princess, lets go get you slightly tipsy." 

"Slightly tipsy." I laughed "Black out drunk." 

"And risk you running out in a drunk craze. No chance." He smirked, walking me down the hallway. "3 glasses and your done." 

"I won't even feel that." 

"Fine. 5." 



"We can keep going. We both know I won't let you tell me how much I can drink." I raised my eyebrows smirking at him.

"No but there's other people here that will." 

"Who's that exactly?" 

"Um, your dad, your brothers?" I laughed at him, throwing my head back at how dramatic he was being.

"Alright alright. I see we're bringing parents into this now drama king." 

"Yeah I am." He nodded, giggling at me and showing all his teeth as we feel to the back of my family queue. They all turned and looked at us but I wasn't really paying attention. He was making me laugh and easing my nerves about tonight. That's all I cared about. "I need to pee." 

"Now? Can't you wait 5 minutes?" 

"No. Gotta go. I'll be back I promise." 

"Hey Fay, how was Greece?" Ed asked in front of me. 

"Oh yeah it was fun. I don't think I've ever just floated in the sea as much as I did." 

"Floating in the sea? Like star fishing?" 

"Yeah exactly. It was nice. It wasn't too hot either which was nice." He smiled at me. "What are you guys smirking at?" 

"It's just nice to see you smiling again." Bea spoke softly. "Feels like I haven't seen it in forever. Not dressed like this." 

"Yeah." I looked down at the dress. "Bit much isn't it." She chuckled, leaning over and adjusting my crown. 

"Sterling do this?" 

"Yeah can you tell?" 

"I mean it's not bad." She smirked. "Don't move. Let me fix it." I stayed completely still, letting her sort it. She removed a few clips, moving where they were and then stood back, lifting my head, turning it slightly before smiling. "Okay perfect." She winked, turning back to Ed and hooking her arm through his and leaning her own head down. They started whispering about something I couldn't hear. I just looked at my feet. 

I looked up as the music started, and they started walking down. 

"Wait Sterling's not back." He grabbed my hand, squeezing tight and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. "Fucking hell Steel. Cutting it close there. Almost had a panic attack." I turned my head and stopped moving. 

"I told you I was doing this with you until we're old and grey." His green eyes bore into mine. Heart pounding in my chest as I looked around, anywhere but here. Anytime but right now. "Fay? Baby, keep walking you're okay." 

"Ev- What the f- Where's Sterling? He's supposed to walk me down." He chuckled, leaning and kissing my cheek soft and quick.

"Come on." He put his hand on my lower back, urging me forward slightly. He held my hand tight as we walked down the rest of the hallway. My siblings each turning back and smiling at me. They had this planned. Right down to Sterling needing to pee and Bea and Ed distracting me so I didn't look back and see Evan until it was too late. 

Tonight was the biggest ball of the year. Our parents anniversary ball. The guest list was bigger, the biggest ballroom tonight. Hundreds more eyes, press, photographers, octet instead of the standard quartet. Everything was more important. And every single one of them had orchestrated Evan to be the one doing it with me. 

"I missed you Fay." He whispered in my ear as we reached the top of the stairs, waiting for our cue to descend. I kept my eyes forward like I had been told I had to hundreds of times before. Always keep your eyes forward.

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