Twenty Four

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"So one of a 2 things is going to happen next and whichever one happens means something different." I turned to Evan. We were slightly out of the group right now. He seemed to be getting on with everyone and the way the girls were looking at me and raising my eyebrows, it wasn't only me who was impressed with how he was holding himself around these guys. He didn't need me to save him once. 

He looked down at me, pulling me slightly closer with his hand on my waist. 

"Sterling is going to walk me in for the first dance of the evening. Either he's going to take it, or he's going to hand me to you." 

"To me?" 

"In front of my dad and everyone yes." I nodded, looking around and grabbing his hand, pulling him out into the corridor. "If he does hand me off to you Evan, he's literally passing me to you as your responsibility. It's not a small deal. And if he's doing that, that means he's told my dad that he trusts you with me. That's-" 


"Massive." I nodded. "I don't think he will, he doesn't know you but, just be ready in case. Exactly like I showed you in the garden, keep your eyes on me and you'll be fine." The small smile on my face showed me he was nervous. 

"What if he doesn't?" 

"Then he doesn't quite trust you yet, which is fine. It's not been long." He nodded. "I want to give you a tour later." 


"Well yeah, we'll be able to sneak away for a little bit and it's not like we're sneaking off to my room. I'll only show you the main parts of the palace, the ballrooms, the dining rooms, libraries." 

"Libraries. Plural?" 

"Oh yeah. We have 3." I chuckled. 

"And you still get books from school?" 

"Yeah, the selections are different there." He smiled and I looked behind me. "Are you okay? After talking to Bash?" He sighed, pulling me closer. I knew he wasn't. I could sense it in my bones. 

"Yeah. I mean, he definitely still has a thing for you." I looked at him slightly sideways. "Very obvious. He stopped talking the second you walked in. Face dropped and he almost dropped his glass. He was asking questions about us too. Not too deep but how we met, when we met, how long we'd been a thing, what I got you for Christmas, what your favourite book was." 

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know my favourite book is." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. 

"He's just trying to smoke me out baby. It's fine, let him try. I'm not going anywhere. No matter how hard he tries." Another hard kiss on my forehead. "It's weird seeing you all dressed up like this. Crown and the dress and the heavy makeup." 

"I know. When I do, I just stand in the mirror for like 20 minutes trying to reattach my brain to my body. It's like I'm a completely different person when I'm like this. It doesn't feel like me." 

"Well you look like you. The real you. The one you don't like showing off. And I love her just as much as I love the Fay from Paris or the one I held whilst she was sick." I laid my head on him and he chuckled, bringing his head down to my ear. "Or the one that turned of her mic in the hotel room before she screamed my name for hours." I continued looking forward, eyes wide before I looked up at him. "Serves you right for the whole bowtie thing. 

"Oh come on that's not fair." I stood up and he chuckled. 

"Freya?" I turned my head smiling at Edward. "Dad wants you." 

"Of course he does." I rolled my eyes looking back at Evan. "Don't let him bug you okay?" 

"I won't. I'll see you out there." He winked as I walked back to my brother, hooking my arm through his. 

"You look pretty tonight." 

"Thanks Ed. Quite dapper yourself. How's Ana and the kids?" 

"Good yeah." He nodded. "She couldn't make it." I looked at him and he smirked. 

"Again? Jesus man. Just take the fucking tiara off my head now, if you keep pushing me further down the line I'm going to end up in another family tree." I rolled my eyes and he smiled. "Have you heard of a TV? Or even better, a magical new invention called contraception." I waved my hand like it was a new discovery.

"Oh yeah, you'd know about contraception right?" I smirked. "That's the new boyfriend then? I've heard many great things about him." I looked up at him. "Sterling really likes him and has spent the past 10 minutes rambling to your dad and Steve about how good he is to you. He came and looked after you when you had the flu?"

"He did." I nodded slowly as he stopped outside the room. 

"Dad's not happy how you both met though." 

"Yeah, I didn't think he would be. Nor about how he found out who I was."

"Yeah no, he's a little pissed about that too." I sighed. "But he's happy you've found someone you've actually taken on a label with. Is it serious with you 2?" 

"I mean yeah? He's been around since September. It took him like 2 months to ware me down to even hold a conversation with him and we were at my ball when we did and even then, when I was back in school I barely acknowledged him. He didn't even know my name until November." 

"But you have been talking for like 3 months?" 

"Exactly. And he kept pushing and pushing. Not to hard, just small talk, asking me how my weekend was, what I got up to. Those kind of things. Then in Paris, he was kind of stuck and I ha to help him out and we just kept spiralling. I spent like 2 days there without him. After that I didn't leave his side for a second." Ed smiled, kissing my head softly. "I really like him." 

"I can tell. There's not many people you'd break your own rules for." 

"There's none. Well, Sterling but-" I rolled my eyes and we both chuckled as he walked us into the room. 

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