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"Breathe Fay." I leaned against the wall outside in the cold air, squeezing my eyes tight. 

"Fucking stupid. How stupid am I Sterling? You're right, where is my fucking brain? The boy made me fucking dumb. Literally every single on of my brain cells must be dead if I thought I could fucking hide this from him. Like what did I expect to happen?" 


"God I should just go back to the hotel and pack up my shit and go home. Might as well start collecting all my uni shit and put it in my office at home too. I'll be locked in it for the next 6 years anyway so I might as well get a head start." I started walking as I ranted. "Fucking stupid. I'm so fucking idiotic." 


"I should just bang my head off a brick wall. God knows it's the only thing that will either knock some sense into me or knock me unconscious and honestly, I'd take either or right now. A undramatic death. Make myself brain dead. I might as fucking well be- 

"For fuck sake. FREYA." 

"Will you stop interrupting me?" 

"No. Stop what you're doing. Stand still. You're barely breathing." 

"I'm breathing." 

"No you're not, I can hear you panting like you're on a run. Take in a deep one for me, you're hyperventilating but you're so stressed you can't even realise." Sterling sounded panicked. 

"I'm fine." I took in a deep breath. "Ow." 


"It hurts." 

"It will do. Another one for me." I groaned. "I'll call them." 

"No. Fine." I took another dramatized breath. "Happy?" 

"Nearly. What are you doing now?" 

"I don't know. I need to hide out away from him as long as possible. I think I saw a book shop around here when we walked do- Here it is." 

"Of course you found the book store Fay." 

"I'm breathing now. Can I go?" 

"No. Do you want me to come up?" 

"Aren't you working?" 

"You're more important than this Fay." 

"Your father would disagree." I scoffed, pushing the door open. "No it's fine. I'll be okay. I'll hide out this afternoon and sneak back to the hotel when no ones around. Then I can pack up and leave in the middle of the night. I'll call my dad on the way to the airport." 

"You sure you're okay?" 

"I'm surrounded by old books Steel. I'm fine." A small smile on my face. 

"Okay well, call me if you need me. I can get up there in like 2 hours." 

"I'll be fine Steel. You worry too much." 

"I don't worry enough. Speak to you when you get home?" 

"Okay. Bye." I pulled the phone back and hung up. 

"You ran off." I spun around, almost collapsing. Everything around me was going blurry and it only got worse when he wrapped his arm back around me like it had been before. "I told you, it's safe with me." 

"No one's supposed to know Evan." I tried to steady my breathing, the burning across my full face was almost too much. 

"No one does know. I didn't see anything. I don't know your surname. I don't know who your dad is. I don't understand everything you've said. Nothing makes sense. If that's how you need it to be to trust me then that's how it will be." 

The New Boy- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now